I opened a room today which seemed very popular.
It was open for most of day and called Cucks and sluts.
There were times when it was even over subscribed I saw 80 peeps in ther at one time.
It was then closed while Still having peeps in.
My question is, and don't want to seem disrespectfull.
Why can't I host my own room.
I must admit That when I open a room there are some people I would like to kick, but they get into most rooms and I suppose get kicked eventually.
Why can't I host my own room. I do pay to be in here.
If you opened your own room, you do have the facility to kick somebody. I have opened my own room a few times, but have only needed to kick one person after a couple of warnings for being rude and ignoring the chat room rules.
I closed that room earlier...
Yes your ID was in the room but when I tried on more than one occasion to get an answer from you there was no reply. As with all hosts when they do not reply, 10 minutes was given for you to return from powdering your nose/putting the cat out/making a sandwich...whatever! When there was still no reply from you, I closed it as hostless.
The fact that your id was in there unfortunately means nothing, we have people logging on, opening rooms and then leaving ids in there ad infinitum. It could also have been a "ghost" id, please see thread on Stuck in room on this forum.
Please see guidelines on hosting rooms in this section.