It's called the pool for a reason....
Towels on sunbeds spring to mind. I bet if you had a regular role call, half the people logged into that room wouldn't answer.
It used to be a room full of fun and interesting chat, so many people craved being able to log into the room. Now once people get their space they then go off and chat elsewhere. I even know some people that log in as soon as they come home from work, they get their tea and don't even look at a screen for a couple of hours.
To be honest, i prefer a room sometimes that only has a few people in.
At times i go into rooms with just 1 person in and have had a great laugh.
I do pop into the pool on occasions just to say hi to the people i know, and that's mainly in the afternoons. It's very rare i go in on an evening, i prefer to jump in and out of the not so well known one's.... and get to know new people.
We use the site on and off, sometimes every day, sometimes maybe once or so a week (maybe less).
The chatrooms are a great place to chat... sometimes... but of late it tends to be full of people just sat there.
I don't know whether they are physically sat at home just watching the screen or whether they have simply logged in and gone off to do something else.
Occasionally a female comes on the camera, which sort of ruins any existing chat once the room gets flooded with the customary "wow you're gorgeous" rubbish (which is invariably directed at a lone elbow or half a boob or something).
But, I suppose it is like anything, you get out of it what you put into it. When Bex is in the room she is flooded with chat (which is mainly a load of faceless insincere hollow compliments), but when I am in there it is a strugge to get anything out of anyone.
i find my self loosing interest in the regulars rooms like the pool when you could almost name 100 of the 125 profiles guaranteed to be in there when you hit the enter room button. often the same talking to the same with the same ol's doing the same ol on cam
We find the lobby rooms tend to be full of people not even in arms length of the keyboard!
I think I started chatting about kids tv shows from the early 80s, that with apparently looking like Mers bro and of course peeving Shi Foxy and Mer got me chatting. Sah and I got comfy in there and it's gone fine so far.
LiamnSteve are a blast
we go in and have a great laugh but ppl say its to buisy and get ignored well join in maybe ? weve been in other rooms with 100 plus in em n no 1 name says it all just jump IN.....
LB1 visits the pool a lot and loves it. We've only been on SH since early April, but LB1 didn't find it hard to get to know people in the lobby rooms and get into the banter. Some days it's better than others, but perhaps it depends what you're looking for and what suits you? LB1 prefers a busy room with a lot of people chatting (even when it's hard to keep up!) and finds it nice to regularly chat with the "regulars". The pool suits LB1, as she is looking for light-hearted banter and she likes to chat with anyone and everyone. She's not in there to arrange meets, but she pretty much always has her cam on (as she's a bit of an exhibitionist!) - not always doing anything more than sitting there. Having a cam on tends to mean people talk to you more and, if you can take a joke, it often leads to great banter too!
There are often some very funny, witty folk in the pool, and if you ignore whispers and stick to the main thread, and get involved, and enjoy that sort of bustling chatter, then the pool is great! ????
Lilith xx
All rooms can be boring at times, depends on the chat/banter...some nights are hard work to get chat moving and flowing and other nights are a complete blast.
I usually end up in a regional room. as I have met alot of the people i chat too personally but again some nights its dire.
Regarding the pool in all the 6 and a bit years I have been on the site, its only recently that i have started going in there and staying in there an i can honestly say the regs in there have been more than welcoming....stay with it and join in!!!
On a diff note I have never been able to get a foothold in the get out what you put in i suppose