No, ALL men, single or otherwise seem to have it
Fi xxxxxxx
Quote by Lost
are we talking the desperate dan syndrome here or what guys lol....when we cam we hate the uninvited whisps and even after you ask them not too whisp they still carry on...come on guys give us cammers a break lol...
Quote by Lost
are we talking the desperate dan syndrome here or what guys lol....when we cam we hate the uninvited whisps and even after you ask them not too whisp they still carry on...come on guys give us cammers a break lol...
Quote by creampie123
think they watch the room lists...when it goes up to the high 40's then they come in to see what is going on,if anything is this they stay...when it's allover they go to another room where the number is getting into the high 40's and so on and on...
thats my opinion anyway