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Keep getting booted out...15th Febuary...Also for those agai

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Been getting kicked repeatedly all night, it's just not good enough !!
£75 a year ?
And we never get a partial refund or discount offer when anything like this happens ?
And now they putting fees up by £15 a year ? i think not !! fees go up, i'm off !
this is still happening
It should all be ok now, we found another issue.
Added, but if it does happen again you would need to close chat and relaod it in order for the fix to take affect.
we will not be renewing if its not sorted quickly as been booted four times night couldnt get profile earlyer in the week and price going up. not getting what we pay for
Quote by wickers
we will not be renewing if its not sorted quickly as been booted four times night couldnt get profile earlyer in the week and price going up. not getting what we pay for

Quote by st3v3
It should all be ok now, we found another issue.
Added, but if it does happen again you would need to close chat and relaod it in order for the fix to take affect.
Quote by st3v3
It should all be ok now, we found another issue.
Added, but if it does happen again you would need to close chat and relaod it in order for the fix to take affect.

Many thanks for the update, and thanks to the guys for working on the fixes.
If the subs go up, i will have to think about weather to stay or not, there has been nothing but issues with the site for months, from before the new chat started !!
Ive been loyal to this site for well over a year, been attending socials and clubs via SH forums, but dont seem to be getting the loyalty back from the site.
Price increase thread is
first the site was down now the chat is down awsome!!!!!!!!
Quote by wsmcouple
first the site was down now the chat is down awsome!!!!!!!!

Things can only get better lol
I thought it was just me ... glad its not.
Not that I wish any of you bad luck lol
clearly there are forces at work here
Can you let me know if anyone gets into chat.... Im having no luck aswell... Grrrrrrrrrrrr!!
Maybe they will give a refund for all the problems encountered lol
Our sincere apologies. An unexpected fault occurred with one of our servers which caused the site outage. Our systems are now back online and the chat room is now fully functional.
Apologies again the inconvenience.
Quote by admin
Our sincere apologies. An unexpected fault occurred with one of our servers which caused the site outage. Our systems are now back online and the chat room is now fully functional.
Apologies again the inconvenience.

I was told that there was an apology for the on-goingsite issues. Just this it????? And if it is errmmmmmm......Thanks!!!!!!
I think this apology would have been better on the welcome page so all members can see it, there really are a lot of disgruntled ppl on the site who would maybe be happier if they saw this?
Quote by admin
Our sincere apologies. An unexpected fault occurred with one of our servers which caused the site outage. Our systems are now back online and the chat room is now fully functional.
Apologies again the inconvenience.

am I missing something?? thought all the chat rooms were on 1 server now ??
as opposed to server 1 2 3 etc??
before it`d just be ... oops server 1 crashed n all share the remaining 3??
instead of everyone moaning at once..
Quote by twos_company
Our sincere apologies. An unexpected fault occurred with one of our servers which caused the site outage. Our systems are now back online and the chat room is now fully functional.
Apologies again the inconvenience.

am I missing something?? thought all the chat rooms were on 1 server now ??
as opposed to server 1 2 3 etc??
before it`d just be ... oops server 1 crashed n all share the remaining 3??
instead of everyone moaning at once..
Buried in the depths of Chatroom Lounge is a thread explaining the new Chat compared to the old Chat.
From memory, I'm sure Admin will correct if wrong, in the old Chat there were a couple of physical servers presenting Chat to users across 3 rooms. Under the new Chat, this has been comprehensively re-engineered and you will actually read that there are 6 physical servers underpinning one logical Chat server.
This is quite common practise across the IT industry where the service received/perceived by the customer/user is of a single thing, however in the background the service itself is actually provided by multiple bits of IT kit. For example, ever thought about how your local cash machine/ATM actually works ?
You just see the hole in the wall, but this is connected to a local server, networked via various bits of kit to a computer centre to other servers for encryption, security, front end processing and then ultimately to a mainframe (s) (And that's a simplified version, I tracked my own Bank and the infrastructure behind the ATM service was circa 80 separate entities/pieces of kit)
The aim is to provide some redundancy and maintain service, however this isn't always possible as an issue on 1 server can impact others and therefore the service. As you'll have read from the opening post on this thread, not everyone/Chat user was impacted earlier in the week as many users carried on working/chatting normally and it was just a proportion of Chat users who were encountering timeout and crashing out of Chat issues.
Hope this helps, though if you really want a techie explanation in 'geek speak' I'm sure Admin could oblige.
Quote by HnS
Our sincere apologies. An unexpected fault occurred with one of our servers which caused the site outage. Our systems are now back online and the chat room is now fully functional.
Apologies again the inconvenience.

am I missing something?? thought all the chat rooms were on 1 server now ??
as opposed to server 1 2 3 etc??
before it`d just be ... oops server 1 crashed n all share the remaining 3??
instead of everyone moaning at once..
Buried in the depths of Chatroom Lounge is a thread explaining the new Chat compared to the old Chat.
From memory, I'm sure Admin will correct if wrong, in the old Chat there were a couple of physical servers presenting Chat to users across 3 rooms. Under the new Chat, this has been comprehensively re-engineered and you will actually read that there are 6 physical servers underpinning one logical Chat server.
This is quite common practise across the IT industry where the service received/perceived by the customer/user is of a single thing, however in the background the service itself is actually provided by multiple bits of IT kit. For example, ever thought about how your local cash machine/ATM actually works ?
You just see the hole in the wall, but this is connected to a local server, networked via various bits of kit to a computer centre to other servers for encryption, security, front end processing and then ultimately to a mainframe (s) (And that's a simplified version, I tracked my own Bank and the infrastructure behind the ATM service was circa 80 separate entities/pieces of kit)
The aim is to provide some redundancy and maintain service, however this isn't always possible as an issue on 1 server can impact others and therefore the service. As you'll have read from the opening post on this thread, not everyone/Chat user was impacted earlier in the week as many users carried on working/chatting normally and it was just a proportion of Chat users who were encountering timeout and crashing out of Chat issues.
Hope this helps, though if you really want a techie explanation in 'geek speak' I'm sure Admin could oblige.
no no ... thats fine... an explanation in english works fine
If I check a profile whilst in chat I get an "abnormal termination" notice and chat closes and re-opens - in its own choice of room and not where I was - a real pain