Can't see any OP's / MODs etc around today, hoping someone can help. I have not used the chatroom very much but for some reason I have received a couple of popups today when I have been in the rooms.
I normally block popups so I get a message in IE saying there is a popup & do I want to allow it. On both occasions, clicking to allow the popup has led to me being kicked from the server as it says I am already logged in.
Where is this going wrong?
Thanks for the replies. Am on IE 6, waiting to download IE 7. Use Firefox for all my other browsing but problems with viewing images here that I notified to Admin a while ago by email, possibly an interaction with Adblock & Filterset G etc. Am forced to use IE here. (Steve replied, do I have the right Steve? What happened to Mark / Helen anyway, I have been away for a while)
Anyway, will try out with Firefox this time just for the chat, try logging in with both browsers simultaneously.