:bounce: I can get rid of it from my sig now :grin:
Thank you :smug: :lol2:
Quote by targaid
I even had one such person realise that I and someone I knew well were having a whispered conversation and threatened to throw us both out of the room, saying that SH didn't 'allow' people to have private conversations.
Quote by targaid
As far as directing goes, yes, it can be boring, but given how good most people are at ignoring any kind of comment and blanking people trying to engage them in any level of conversation why does directing then become such a problem?
Quote by targaid
No doubt there are those who will assume that I'm a perpetrator of both these heinous crimes, so I look forward to the abuse this post is likely to engender :twisted:
Quote by targaid
As far as directing goes, yes, it can be boring, but given how good most people are at ignoring any kind of comment and blanking people trying to engage them in any level of conversation why does directing then become such a problem?
Quote by RedHot
All site hosted rooms such as Beach, Jacuzzi etc are the ones which are most often full to capacity, partly I am sure, because people know on the whole they can go into those rooms and hold a conversation without watching endless line after line of "get your tops off" "can we see more?", "you've got the best tits on this site, but I'd love to see your pussy" -
Quote by sexkittenhfx
just to pick up on this point....ive actually found the opposite. those rooms are the worst ones to be in, theres whispers and directing and insluts flying all over - with no room host to help moderate behaviour.
Quote by PoloLady
If 'No Directing' is applied to all site hosted rooms (because of how annoying and disruptive it can be to the flow of the chat) - what was the logic in reversing the chatroom rules so that directing is allowed and not discouraged unless 'No Directing' is stated in the room name?
What you imply by having the rule this way around is … directing is acceptable behaviour and ‘No Directing’ is the exception. Which then follows that the site hosted rooms operate under rules which are the ‘exception’ to the standard rules.![]()
Do I really have to explain why that is not the way to do things?
Quote by Mykap
Whispers can also be extremely offensive
Quote by sexkittenhfx
All site hosted rooms such as Beach, Jacuzzi etc are the ones which are most often full to capacity, partly I am sure, because people know on the whole they can go into those rooms and hold a conversation without watching endless line after line of "get your tops off" "can we see more?", "you've got the best tits on this site, but I'd love to see your pussy" -
Quote by woohoo
Whispers can also be extremely offensive
Quote by RedHot
If anyone has any abuse to report, they can always pm the details to a chat room Op. There is a list of us here
Quote by BiWelshMinx
If anyone has any abuse to report, they can always pm the details to a chat room Op. There is a list of us here
Let us know the room name, server number, time of incident and nature of the abuse and it will be dealt with by one of us or by Admin.
Most of us log on daily and we are all happy to help ;)
Quote by woohoo
I hate to agree with Bilko here![]()
But, I believe that it is just as rude to direct people and tell them what to do as it is to whisper them without asking first.
Maye admin will make the new chat(when ever it arrives) to no directing unless it states "Directing Allowed" in title of room.
Quote by RedHotwell said ,have oped rooms before where this has happened where fems after we have given out warnings tend to make the job harder by encouraging more on cam then the directing comes thick and fast and does spoil your own night as mostley in a north east room most peeps do tend to meet up regularly for socials n stuff and find we tend to have same people who come in and for a fact within seconds will direct or wispa ,then tend to get people who are in room will sit back and when it kicks off always chip in with snotty comments ,we actually got accussed last week by a single that if your not in our or fabios click you aint got a chance of a meet with a certain single fem who goes in the n/e room ffs i sometimes wonder what goes through peoples minds to think like that hehe now am a pimp daddy.
However, it has to be said that quite often the fems on cam do encourage the directors, even in the no directing rooms.
This not only puts their own account at risk of a ban for encouranging directing, but also makes it more difficult for the fems on cam who do not want to be directed.
If they fail to do as suggested by some of the directors, they are often abused and insulted.
If everyone respected other peoples preferences, as well as the rules, things would run a lot smoother.
Somehow, I doubt this will ever fully happen. Not whilst we have so many one handed typists on here anyway ;-) :lol2:
Quote by flower411
This thread seems to have moved in all sorts of directions but I really want to comment on the official unhosted rooms . The Beach etc ..
I find that these are the most inhospitable rooms and the ones most prone to directing and whispering, precisly because they are unhosted most of the time.
I really can`t understand why there is such a fuss about other rooms being without an owner when these rooms appear to run the majority of the time without hosts and as a cosequence they are rife with directing and unwanted whispers !!
The directors and whisperers use these rooms BECAUSE they are unhosted and unregulated.
I have no doubt i`ll be shot down in flames for this but it does appear to be this way from where i`m sitting !!
Quote by sexkittenhfx
well i said the same thing earlier on in the thread and i wasnt shot down so i dont see why you should be :thumbup: i completely agree with you!
Quote by GnV
I'm certain it would make things very much clearer if the default was "No Directing", "No Whispers" as well as the no email, URL's or phone numbers.
The site rooms are hosted by the Chatroom Ops but because they are so busy everywhere else (and they do have a home life)
it's been suggested before that they should be assisted by chat monitors who have the right to moderate improper activity in the public rooms and the tools to remove offenders if they don't comply.
However, this should be for the new chatrooms; SH would unlikely put further investment in to the old one.