6 times....
and no1 is answering me
I've seen a few reports about this, the only common factor so far is that they all use BT, it may not be anything to do with BT but these things happen, remember Tiscali.
st3v3 im with NTL and kept getting booted all nite???
So much for that theory then.
oops i forgot virgin took over NTL lol same tho lol
There's a possibility that there's some network delays with the current data center, so were going move chat to a closer data center this afternoon, less hops and shorter ping times should help if thats the main issue.
oh shall I wait for the ping's to kick in then?
its broke because it,s a bank holiday weekend
its just relocating to the new datacenter
worse than ever for me tonight and the join button doesnt work :cry:
St3v3.... its been booting us all again thru the nite... Its usually ok if u press join str8 away.. but it didnt work for me twice tonite xx
Has the booting been happening over the last hour or so? also does it just happen or is it when you do anything specific, such as going on cam, viewing a cam, changing servers or rooms.
9:15 was about when the servers were moved so thats when everyone would have been booted as they were moved to the new servers, I'll be monitoring support tickets, pm's and this part of the forums to see how well it goes.
mine keeps crashing all the time, cant even get into chatrooms anymore, just keeps saying, you have been disconnected, this has been happening for weeks