I've noticed this happen to me a few times before. Sometimes the server kicks random members or rooms off for some unknown reason, i think it's simply because the servers are full and the system is struggling to correspond with you computer. Keep your head up, im sure admin are going the best they can!
Glad to hear I'm not that only one who has been having probs with server 2. I have been experienceing this for over 3 moths now. I have raised a ticket and although the heldesk team did offer a few suggestions I was told that no one else has been having similar problems.
It has reached the stage that I cannot now go into server 2 cos I will get kicked out after about 2 mins. It would be great if someone could get to the botttom of this as a number of the rooms I used to frequent I now cannot go into. This of course may be a blessing for some people!!