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The level of rude from the users

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Why when someone logs on to chat say hello nobody has the decency to acknowledge them, or is it just me no one replies to, Thoughts or opinions please

It's what society has become now adays.

Try going into most clubs and pubs or even on the streets and say hello to random strangers.

99% will ignore you.

This place is a community where lots have met over the years and became "friends" so those friends tend to talk to each other.

It is hard to become noticed on here,but its like life,you get out of it what you out in.

Oh I hear what your saying i really do. My problem is this though you reply but as the Mod that is an answer I would expect. But tell me how does a new member manage to speak to others and make friendships when none of the other members blank them even though the very same member is a friend of the profile also match. the answer is they really dont and that then sends them onto a rival swinging site and you find profiles that clearly left for similar reasons who will interact. I have come cross many profiles here where member not been online for over 90 days so they have abandoned ship s a result and use exactly the same profile name and surprise surprise happily interact. I actually upgraded to communicqte with profiles the site refused to show unless upgraded wjho had viewed me and then it shows no on for 90 days so yeah you get out of it what you put in to it. Shame really was already a member on fab and have been for a number of years and it is to get out all the best

I'm not only a mod but I and my partner have a couple's profile to,and I know you will find this hard to belive,but I met her on here,over 8 years ago.

And belive it or not I didn't start life on here as a mod but as a member like you.

Mods are volunteers who don't get paid for "working" here and who give their own opinions about this site.

People leave here for a variety of reasons,just like people leave other sites,they must have left for a reason.

But some do come back some don't,

Its what people do,if they feel like something is not working for them.

When you join anywhere as a new person it's hard to get accepted,unless you are some one that they want to get to know or have something they want.

I'm on the other sites to, and see members getting ignored there to,but obviously as I'm "mod" on here you won't believe that

The amount of times I've heard on this site and on others," I've been here a week/month etc and no one wants to meet,or even chat to me"

Morning pmac

I find sometimes it takes interaction on both sides.

sometimes it floods the chat with everyone saying hi. Why not try something simple like hey how’s your day going? I find a lot of people jump Into chat and say hi(female name here) basically isolating them self from the into open discussion. Also depends on the time of day as it does have its slow periods.

And that’s how you get your foot in the door! 😜

Of course, you could just chat in here where the slower pace is offset by the nicer people. 👌

Quote by Bob_Admin

Of course, you could just chat in here where the slower pace is offset by the nicer people. 👌

I'll leave then shall I 🙄

I think what some blokes need to understand is the amount of messages a woman receives on here. When my wife goes on within 20 seconds she will get a message and after 3 minutes she will have maybe 15 flashing boxes. Sometimes she goes on under our collective or even my name to avoid it ! Out of those 15 she will probably get 10 "hi" "hiya" "you like big cock ?" 2 or 3 dick pics and if she's really lucky a pic of someone's arsehole ! Best advice I could give is be original, different or amusing (none of the above are) Hope that helps. 😀

Quote by Meandering

I think what some blokes need to understand is the amount of messages a woman receives on here. When my wife goes on within 20 seconds she will get a message and after 3 minutes she will have maybe 15 flashing boxes. Sometimes she goes on under our collective or even my name to avoid it ! Out of those 15 she will probably get 10 "hi" "hiya" "you like big cock ?" 2 or 3 dick pics and if she's really lucky a pic of someone's arsehole ! Best advice I could give is be original, different or amusing (none of the above are) Hope that helps. 😀

You missed the generic “I’m horny”

I try to say hello to anyone who is in a room, and interacts, I think its just manners. Im well aware its not a view what is shared lol


Quote by Woohoo

I'll leave then shall I 🙄

Don’t say that. Everyone loves you, no matter where you pop up. 😉

We say hello to people if the rooms quite and everyone's ignoring them 😊

I try and tailor my initial message to the advertiser rather than a generic comment and only message those members where I feel there is a match and are local. I would say about half of the members I message look at my profile but, with a couple of exceptions, don't respond to my message. When we are told to be polite and try and make our messages interesting I find it frustrating that those members who are messaged don't have the courtesy to say thanks but no thanks, it only takes a minute.

Quote by 36marg

I try and tailor my initial message to the advertiser rather than a generic comment and only message those members where I feel there is a match and are local. I would say about half of the members I message look at my profile but, with a couple of exceptions, don't respond to my message. When we are told to be polite and try and make our messages interesting I find it frustrating that those members who are messaged don't have the courtesy to say thanks but no thanks, it only takes a minute.

It only takes a minute unless you get loads of those messages every day and have experienced guys you have replied to politely but turned down, get all shirty and abusive about it. The volume of messages couples/fems get is huge compared to that guys tend to get and the reason is that there are far far many more guys here.

Quote by 36marg

I try and tailor my initial message to the advertiser rather than a generic comment and only message those members where I feel there is a match and are local. I would say about half of the members I message look at my profile but, with a couple of exceptions, don't respond to my message. When we are told to be polite and try and make our messages interesting I find it frustrating that those members who are messaged don't have the courtesy to say thanks but no thanks, it only takes a minute.

I have a couples account to, and have found over the years that if we replied to some single guys who messaged us.

We immediately get a message back stating "Ah but I have a 3 foot cock can breath through my ears and can shag for months on end" or messages along those lines.

Id say 99.9% think that us messaging back a polite "No thanks, but good luck" is code for "YES, I have a chance, all I need to do now, is pester the life out of them and they will change their mind"

So because of all of those messages like the above, we NEVER message back, sorry.

It's also the same in chat, if we say hello back, within 1second our pms used to light up like Blackpool illumination's,so now our pm's are permanently switched off.

We still say hello back but not many want to continue the conversation after that, cos they either want to go straight to pm, or sometimes even realise that they are not that we are looking for and throw the dummy out and go away in a huff, mummering "this site is shite etc " lol

As the old saying goes.

"The actions of the few effect the many"

I describe myself as a ultimate Grey man . I get the feeling I am invisible. I do get my share of meets on different apps. I had a like the other day so message and said thanks it led to a very good conversation and I thanked them for it. They were miles away but a connection was made. I have no idea if I will get a meet on here but will have some fun as I wait


To be brutally honest a large number of guys on here and other similar sites simply don't have a clue about what swinging iis really all about. Couples and single ladies get bombarded with the same message all the time as well. The lack of knowledge and real effort means you will just get ignored most of the time. No one is entitled to a response from anyone. If it hurts you that no one answers perhaps you should not be here simple as that.

No idea lol..... we do lol

Quote by swingyandalphabetty

We don't get bombarded... are we doing something wrong lol

Fancy a shag? 🤣

Quote by Quietly_Kinky

Fancy a shag? 🤣

But you aren't swingys type lol

Quote by swingyandalphabetty

But you aren't swingys type lol

Details, details...

Being on chat can be EXHAUSTING. We’ve made it clear in our profile we’re not interested in single men and yet 99% don’t have the decency to read/check this before bombarding with messages so admittedly I tend to just ignore them as it’s not worth my energy

Quote by samlxmas

Being on chat can be EXHAUSTING. We’ve made it clear in our profile we’re not interested in single men and yet 99% don’t have the decency to read/check this before bombarding with messages so admittedly I tend to just ignore them as it’s not worth my energy

I think there's an element of a vicious circle there. Some single men act like idiots, single women and couples start ignoring all single men to cope and more single men start being pushy or just speaking in haste instead of thinking about the best approach, and the wheel just keeps on spinning. I don't know that there's a solution.