Can anyone help?
When i go into the chatroom the page only opens to 2/3rd size so I can only see the left side cant see the right hand side- who is chatting or the web cams. This started 2 days ago for no apparent reason. Im not able to click and move the page to enlarge it (can decrease its size but when I move it back its stops at this preset position). :cry: Any idea why its done this and how to correct it? All suggestions welcome.
Can you maximize the page by...
Double clicking on the very top bar, the same bar as the maximize and minimize button, just try double clicking on it..
can you maximize it by right clicking on the page button in your task bar then click " Maximize" ?
Some graphics cards have a feature built in with there software ( only allow X window to open x size ) although you normally have to do something with it to enter the sizes..
I assume your on xp ?
Let us know how you get on
It's just using the dimensions & position of the last browser window. Browser at full screen and all will be well next time ;)