is really not liking this recent upgrade ....when my lappie died a slow and painful death I was in a quandary as to buy a new one or upgrade to an iPad whilst I admit am not the sharpest tool in the box when it comes to technology even I can see that it's really not that compatible with this site....well it isn't now.
I no longer have a member list at the side of chat and have to access it from a different screen
I no longer have a cam list ^^^^ see above. Or room list
If I receive a pm I don't know about it unless I scroll all the way to the top of chat..really frustrating as I'm having to leave the main chat n often miss parts of conversation
If I say for instance go to check my fb or messenger I'm auto thrown out of chat for inactivity
I no longer have a bold underline or italic option
A lot of the cams won't open although I understand this is possibly due to teething problems
I understand I cannot open my own cam n that's my fault for buying an iPad without researching properly as to whether Adobe was compatible with it and I can live with that (for now) but surely seen as a lot of people are now buying tablets as a way of accessing the Internet a site upgrade should have taken this into consideration.
And breathe...rant over!!!!