I had trouble getting my iSight cam to work in the chat rooms but after much fiddling, it's up and running! A few other Mac users I have spoken to have had the same trouble, so for the benefit of all SH maccies, here's how to do it:
1. enter a chatroom
2. put mouse arrow in left hand vid window
3. control-click and choose 'settings' from menu
4. In the dialog box that comes up, click the 'allow' radio button and tick the 'save' checkbox
5. On the row of icons at the bottom of the dialog box, choose the right hand cam icon
6. from the drop down menu, choose 'USB class video' then click the close button
7. it should now work!
Good luck!!
flower i gotta bunch of grapes on me vine ffs
dunno about quality, quantity=0 the bloody birds ate the grapes; sorry grape pmsl
hey thanks for that, it's working now x
Update on an old thread: I've been fiddling as my macbook is in for repair and good news: there's an application available now that will make most webcams work in the SH chatrooms for those people who dont have an iSight cam. You can find it on ;type 'macam' into the search box. The application is free! I've managed to get a logitech cam to work in the chatroom on my ancient eMac! But can't seem to get a different logitech express cam to work. It's worth a try anyway. Best of luck chatters!
Thank you - at last I can get rid of that poor quality Logitech that slows down my chatroom screen and then freezes the screen.