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webcams in rooms

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2 watchers
i thought this was an adultsite ,aimed at swingers,so why do a few people think they are gods,when it comes to what is shown on cam here.a certain southcoast room seems tothink that they must not be used to display anything of a sexual naked flesh...male or female,and no pulling of the they dont like what is on cam when they look,switch back off them,then,they are not forced to might want to are other peoples feelings on this.
Quote by getiton03a
i thought this was an adultsite ,aimed at swingers,so why do a few people think they are gods,when it comes to what is shown on cam here.a certain southcoast room seems tothink that they must not be used to display anything of a sexual naked flesh...male or female,and no pulling of the they dont like what is on cam when they look,switch back off them,then,they are not forced to might want to are other peoples feelings on this.

So, as this is "an adult site, aimed at swingers" - we have to be either shagging, watching shagging or talking about shagging 24 7??? :shock: rolleyes
Personally I like the chatrooms like the one you've mentioned, sure it's nice to have a perv now and again - but if I'm gonna chat in a room, then I prefer to chat about other stuff other than sex........... there's only so much you can talk about with sex before it gets a tad tedious confused dunno
If I wanna chat about general chitty chatty stuff - then isn't the best place to do it, in a room geared up for that - rather than in a room with sexual camming going on?? I feel really rude if I start to chit chat in a room like that....... people are on cam, obviously having a good time, others are having a good time watching ....... and then there's lemons like me, talking about the telly and me dinner and daddy longlegseseses/daddy longlegsi (plural??? dunno ) ...... bit off putting for people that are doing cam shows don't you think?
Nope, I deffo like to have specific rooms like that - there's so many rooms to choose from, just go to one that is geared up for sexual stuff? dunno
As far as i know if the room title does not say 'face cam only' or 'no flashing' or any other why you care to phrase it then you can, and people have no rights to tell you not to show genitals etc
Well I'm sure you appreciate that when people are on cam showing their bits and pieces, there will always be one or two who keep on asking them to do or show a bit more confused
Directing in a room can be irritating and disruptive to the general chatter going on in there.
Besdies, you have opened rooms before with "no directing, no pudding pulling" etc in the titles rolleyes
Same goes for the rooms as well as the cams - if you don't like them join another one - there are plenty of them out there and of course you could open one of your own again lol
TJ wink
Some people like to talk first without any pressure to go on cam and have other people directing them. If a room wants to set up that is just chat then it should be allowed to run how it wants. There are many other rooms that if you want to see a male pulling his todger whilst talking about what you had for tea they are there. Rooms are for personal choice if you dont like it dont go in it.
And to quote the opening phrase in the room "its an adult site" and if adults choose to just talk they should be able to make thier own minds up if that all they want to do with no pressure to get your willy out.
hi get i take it your dig is meant for me, well just to set the record straight we dont like wankers etc on cam in south coast room and as far as i know if you say its not allowed then thats fine. if you dont like how we run our room why do you persist in coming in? the regulars of the room are happy to meet up socially every 6 weeks or so then they can see who they are chatting to so what is your problem??????????????
Quote by southwest7
hi get i take it your dig is meant for me, well just to set the record straight we dont like wankers etc on cam in south coast room and as far as i know if you say its not allowed then thats fine. if you dont like how we run our room why do you persist in coming in? the regulars of the room are happy to meet up socially every 6 weeks or so then they can see who they are chatting to so what is your problem??????????????

does your room title state no playing on cam? cause if it dosn't they by rights you can't tell people not to smile
The room is normaly opened with no whispering,directing or pudding pulling or do you want us to open it stating no Wanking.
Quote by ameliajane
The room is normaly opened with no whispering,directing or pudding pulling or do you want us to open it stating no Wanking.

how many people open this room lol
i don't want you to open it saying anything as i have never been in the room so makes no odds to me what its called, just trying to work out if you state you don't like playing in room as if you don't it could cause some confusion, if you do then i don't see why hes moaning, if you want to go in a chat room and wank don't go in one that states not to wink
Thank you for your comments,the regulars in the room will always open it with the same wording, even the person complaining used to open the room with the same wording so dont understand his beef, I tour the other rooms if i want to see shows so enjoy a room where i can just feel at ease and chat with like minded people.
The room is for people that want to chat with friends and is open to everyone as do not want to password it and not let new people join in. Hopefully it wil stay the same and not let polictics get in the way of people doing thier own thing.
Frankly, I am surprised that anyone would object to this room and its very minor limitations on behaviour - there are umpteen other rooms where 'anything goes' so its not imposing on anyones pleasures ie. if you want to play in your own different way then don't use this room ! Its not that difficult is it ?
I know that some people do not like the fact that one of the regulars organises 'get togethers' and social evenings but where is the problem ? If someone is prepared to go to the time and trouble to organise a 'bit of a do' for like-minded people of all ages, colours and creeds then surely they should be applauded and not castigated because they have made that effort - and all of these occasions are open to everyone who is interested or curious enough to go along and are not limited to an elite group at all.
Some real and genuine friendships have come out of this room and a lot of laughs and fun too !
well what can we say after being in the room last night when all the trouble kicked off it seems so silly to know that one person can cause so much hassle
We have been coming into the said SouthCoast for months now and have never found any of the people in it rude When entering the room the room has awlays said no pudding pulling directing and whispering allowed and it was inforce by everyone with no trouble even the main complainer would enforce this rule himself. So why complain now apart from the fact the person might or does have a personal grudge against certain others in the room.
Part of the swingering scene if not a huge part is not only the sex but the social side, this room is friendly and open to people not only in conversations but on cams too but we respect the fact it is not a show all room. Yes social meetings have come about or evening coffee evenings from chatting in the room but even then we keep to sh guidelines and rules
so please where is the problem in not having it all on show and keeping a little to the imagination
Quote by getiton03a
i thought this was an adultsite ,aimed at swingers,so why do a few people think they are gods,when it comes to what is shown on cam here.a certain southcoast room seems tothink that they must not be used to display anything of a sexual naked flesh...male or female,and no pulling of the they dont like what is on cam when they look,switch back off them,then,they are not forced to might want to are other peoples feelings on this.

Is perhaps the argument here that, by showing off their "bits and pieces", other "undesirables" are encouraged into the room dunno
You don't know what is on the cam until you select it, by which time the extreme cammer has seen your icon change to being a looker and commences to exercise their craft - often whispering uninvited in the process. This sets up a chain reaction and the structure of the room diminishes rapidly.
Often, non-extreme cammers just like to see their friends and chat as if they were sat in the pub but for the fact the are separated by several miles and other commitments. There is nothing in the AUP which prevents this.
It's all about respect; all too often, some less than respectful members barge into a room and arrogantly display their wares without giving a single thought to what might already be going on in there.
Disrespectful behaviour to other members IS against the AUP!
Quote by GnV
Is perhaps the argument here that, by showing off "bits and pieces", other "undesirables" are encouraged into the room dunno

All "undesireables" are allowed into all rooms..................Thats the way it works...
Quote by Steve_Mids

Is perhaps the argument here that, by showing off "bits and pieces", other "undesirables" are encouraged into the room dunno

All "undesireables" are allowed into all rooms..................Thats the way it works...
Oh, for sure Steve but AUP encourages members to behave with respect to each other.
Quote by GnV

Is perhaps the argument here that, by showing off "bits and pieces", other "undesirables" are encouraged into the room dunno

All "undesireables" are allowed into all rooms..................Thats the way it works...
Oh, for sure Steve but AUP encourages members to behave with respect to each other.
Correct but without a full description of what you call an "undesireable" I am unable to make an informed comment.
My apologies Steve, I was not intending to offer opinions one way or the other but merely to understand the original poster's mind-set.
I fully agree with you, unless it is a locked room (and you don't have the key) it is inclusive to ALL members and the responsibility lies with the host to ensure that the room is conducted in accordance with SH rules and the AUP.
The rest of my post was an analysis of what often happens when things go awry.
Quote by Steve_Mids
All "undesireables" are allowed into all rooms..................Thats the way it works...

Exactly the same as single males can go into a room that is called 'No single males'. Unless they break the AUP in some way, they can't be kicked either.
In the future, those that don't want to see playful cams, I suggest you don't look, eventually they will move to other chatrooms rolleyes
Quote by Dawnie
All "undesireables" are allowed into all rooms..................Thats the way it works...

Exactly the same as single males can go into a room that is called 'No single males'. Unless they break the AUP in some way, they can't be kicked either.
In the future, those that don't want to see playful cams, I suggest you don't look, eventually they will move to other chatrooms rolleyes
I think you should replace "move" with "skulk" there Dawnie..more fitting :giggle:
In the future, those that don't want to see playful cams, I suggest you don't look, eventually they will move to Minx's chatroom where she will sit perving all day biggrin
Quote by Dawnie
All "undesireables" are allowed into all rooms..................Thats the way it works...

Exactly the same as single males can go into a room that is called 'No single males'. Unless they break the AUP in some way, they can't be kicked either.
In the future, those that don't want to see playful cams, I suggest you don't look, eventually they will move to other chatrooms rolleyes
My point exactly Dawnie.. but that is where the cycle begins; You don't know it is a "playful" cam until you look at it.. the "playful" cammer sees your icon change to a "looker" and this sometimes signals to the cammer that you have provided an implicit invitation to indulge in uninvited whispers or calls for more encouragement.. the "looker" responds with a plea for the "playful" cammer to be excluded and the whole pack of cards comes tumbling down.
Roll on the new version!!
Quote by Dawnie
In the future, those that don't want to see playful cams, I suggest you don't look, eventually they will move to Minx's chatroom where she will sit perving all day biggrin

redface redface smackbottom smackbottom
P.S I'll text you when the room is nearly full ok ?
as far as i amconcerned if you dont like what you see/hear dont come in confused
Quote by BiWelshMinx
In the future, those that don't want to see playful cams, I suggest you don't look, eventually they will move to Minx's chatroom where she will sit perving all day biggrin

redface redface smackbottom smackbottom
P.S I'll text you when the room is nearly full ok ?
Excellent :giggle:
I'll text Shireen next :rascal:
What caps lock key?
I understand the incident that you are hinding towards. I have communicated with the account holders this morning and am currently awaiting the response. For the members' privacy, I am not prepared to discuss the incident in question on this open forum.
Sorry forgot caps lock was on till i'd finsihed and there was no way i was going to rewrite it all without forgetting
lets hope the matter will be resolved as i know the person in question has replied to admin
Quote by admin
What caps lock key?
I understand the incident that you are hinding towards. I have communicated with the account holders this morning and am currently awaiting the response. For the members' privacy, I am not prepared to discuss the incident in question on this open forum.

ooops! didn't know there was an issue running... As Admin are on the case, it might best be left closed for now
ok,i would like to say that (named removed) was warned not once but twice that if she lowered the cam she would be kicked out of the room. as like most people i like to see a NICE yes NICE pair as much as the next when the chat is about cake making and roast lamb dinners the last thing i want to see some bristols just in case i miss some ingredients hee hee. i do agree that getiton did ask a question and was told by sw7 if they didnt like the way the room was run that they could leave opened the room for like minded people to chat and arrange meetings and social events on the southcoast. i would like to make a very clear suggestion that if certain people want to flash the bits on cam to open a room for that purpose.