Hi Heaven folk,
As I suspect has been the case for many site members, over the holiday period I have only maintained minimal contact with Swinging Heaven. On returning I find that much has changed!
The concept of 'Premium Member' has arrived. Not being one I find that a number of the facilities I enjoyed in the past have now beeen denied me. No more video chatrooms or editing profile and I suspect more.
Were the changes publicized and I've just missed them? I honestly cannot recall having seen or read anything about it other than the work on the new video rooms.
Really, I guess my main question is what, as I suppose a sort of undermember, can I still have access to?
I realise I can of course upgrade and shall obviously consider this although this would nullify my main perception of this site.
That being that whilst all else sought to make apparently increasing amounts of money from money from its members, Swinging Heaven, remained a 'users' site not a comercial enterprise as so many specific sites have become. Originally I paid for the 'extras' for a short period but this appears to be a further step up the commercial ladder. That isn't my point however. Could one of the, I suppose they constitute the Board or management, please enlighten me as to what I can look forward to still being able to receive.
Many thanks in anticipation,
Snowhawk :cry:
Hi folks and thank you for the helpful, and otherwise comments.
Right lets start again.
When I first tried the site on my return I got, on trying to access my profile, or chatroom redirected to the page shown below inclusive of the graphics not shown below. Hence my original post. since posting, returning and reading your comments I find that I can now access my profile as one of those commenting said I would be able to. However I cannot enter any chatrooms. Having tried a number of times I keep being redirected to the 'Upgrade membership' page shown below. Also I cannot enter the full gallery either. It is these differences that led me to believe changes had occurred. If they haven't whoopee!! However, could someone please advise me what to do next to be able to enjoy the chatrooms etc. as previously before myfestive break? advice gratefully received.
Thank you in anticipation once more.
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