Hi there,
After having problems with several webcams, i.e. fuzzy picture etc I am looking to buy a new one However there seems to be so many on the market I wonder if anyone could recommend one or give me advice on what to look for.
Logitech are a very good make and have always used them, depends really on what you want to spend. My first one cost me £70 all singing and dancing with very good resolution which is very important, but that stayed with ex and kids. My current one is still logitech but £20 at tescos not quite as good but does me.
I can give a very strong recommendation here indeed
Get the MSI Starcam 370i - i got my (two) from Morgan Computers for about £19 a throw
Brilliant cam, very sharp picture, good picture in low light, has lights on the front to light you up
even has a microphone built in, if you're into that kind of thing.
Having messed around with a number of cams, there really is nothing to beat this - and it's bargain priced too!
on a dull day i could give you a demonstration, if interested
boro xx
I have a microsoft cam thay start from £20 up and very good
The logitec's are good to and in the same price range
My last one was a creative and it had an orange color cast when the lights were on which i couldnt adjust out
I wondered which one to get last December and looked up another thread on here from ages ago, the consensus seemed to be that logitech was good.
So I got a logitech Quickcam fusion, it was about £50 and it`s been really clear and doesnt blur whenever there`s movement.