Here's a suggestion that I've mentioned in various rooms that many people seem to agree with (and have added to)...
Whispers should be invite, i.e to be able to whisper someone you first have to be invited - and invites can be revoked.
Also maybe people on your friends list should be "auto-invited" unless specifically blocked from whispering.
Personally I think this would cut out all the crap that many people have to deal with!
The constant whispers have now made me leave the chat rooms...for a while anyway...and that is just in chat i.e no cam!
It all gets too much, and spoils things , well it does for me anyway!
mentioned this a while go and nothing was done lol
a whisper buton that asks for permission to whisper was our suggestion.
there is a web cam site that has this sort of thing and it works very well not been there for sometime may visit again soon for research!
i do think its a good ideal however i would rather see more effort going into making the rooms more stable.
logic would suggest that if you are busy the system should stop coms and then time you out if you are busy for to long to free up the space
Basically all i do is ignore the whisper if its from someone uninvited or who i do not wish to speak to, if they are offended by being ignored they shouldnt have whispered in the first place. It's not that much of a big deal to me, just ignore them. But again thats me, im so laid back im almost upside down lol xxxx
I just ignore whispers unless I want to respond, has never been a problem they soon get fed up and leave. If they are completely distastful I have on a few occasions just copied and pasted them into a room, and they have soon left.
Some whisperers just a kick of negative responses I have found in rooms where the person openly says please dont whisper.
So I have found ignore to be the best way.
Even as a chat room ops I tend only to whisper people that I know but sometimes I do have to whisper uninvited, to maybe slap someone gently on the wrist for misbehaving.
It's amazing how many people take offence to my whispers when I am only trying to stop them getting a telling off in the main room.
So If I whisper you uninvited to slap your wrists ,please take it as a common courtesy on my and other chat ops behalf that we are only trying to help, honest