Cant see my name on the guest list Shaz.
Am I able to attend this great gathering of like minded people to celebrate the start of life for 2 lovely ladies xx
2More sleeps woooooohoooooooooooooooooo
if its not too late could i put my name down for an invite please.
Np machoman12 will semd details out a.s.a.p hun xxxxx
Would just like to thank everyone that came to party last night. Was a cracker of a nite roll on next week.
shaz xxxxxxxxxxx
Was a good night. And met some really nice people.
Roll on next week. xx
Yes a good friendly evening had by all. As Shaz n Pete have already said, thanks to all who attended. Roll on next Saturday lol. xxxx Nucouple
Also many thanks to pete and shaz for organising a great night and thanks to everybody for the presents which was gratefully recieved and much appreciated, many thanks all
nucouple xxxxxx