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24 m Bolton - all I wanna do is watch but can find nothin!!

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8 replies
1 watcher
Help Me!
I heard all about dogging and looked it up, decided to look at a couple of the areas listed as locations in Bolton but could either see empty carparks, cars with single men only, or cars with people doing drugs. Cos I'm completely new to this I need help! I really want to watch some really good action! If there are any young m/f or even f/f couples out there who would love me to watch please get in touch. Otherwise I need pointers of where to head to and what times, also how do i know when I can safely get out of my car and approach knowing the people in the car want me to.
I just wanna see some sex and maybe join in -though watching would be more me. Help me out here before I get too horny!
Slim, tall dark haired male, 24 Bolton
hiya marc
it takes time babes
police have been about in bolton so thats why its quite sad
keep a look out for when im playing out and u can watch me anytime smile
bump into u soon jo xx
The cark parks aren't as busy as they used to be, well they haven't been when I've been there anyway... but the other locations round there are ALWAYS busy, day and night. The action is there, peoplea re just very careful due to the amount of louts that turn up. be patient and it will happen
Thanks ladies! And let me know when you're out playing! Are there any meets arranged in Bolton soon where I'd get to watch or are there any young couples or females who wanna meet for watching? let me know!!
Still horny! :twisted:
We'll be going to Bolton soon, but we only meet bi guys and I watch them playing with each other .... great this voyeurism lark, ain't it :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
i,m new to this as well i,m very keen to find out more so i,ll be checking the forums .. biggrin wink
hello 5xey1 welcome to the sh forums :welcome: :welcome: :swingingchair: my name is matthew ive sent you a pm if you would like to read it i would be mutch abliged anyway welcome and good luck
Well, still lookin to be pointed in the right direction if anyone wants to tell me where to head to and when to see some fun!!
5exy1, tell me more about you babe- we can be new at this together. please pm me or e-mail me. I added you to msn hope you don't mind. hope to hear from you soon!
Marc lol
Mark - for fucks sake have some patience and things may happen.