I have a location question but it's not the usual one.
How do people feel about indoor dogging. I got the idea when I visited a car showroom which was basically a warehouse full of parked cars.
The rents on these places can be quite low and I was wondering if people would be prepared to pay a yearly membership to attend doggin events organised in such an establishment? It would work the same as a carpark with some definate benefits.
1./ The police would be powerless to stop or disturb the events as they would need a warrant for access.
2./ A set of rules could be enforced at a closed venue (only members would be allowed in and numbers could be controlled)
3./ Voyeurs need never worry about the weather again.
If you think it's a good idea then how much do you think membership should be (i.e. how much would you pay for this sort of system)?
I would love to hear everyones thought on this.