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A dogging evening in Surrey

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A week or so back I took another trip out dogging in Surrey. "Gawd knows what will happen", I thought, hardly relishing another evening standing around freezing with nothing guaranteed except the experience of being out and yet, somehow, unable to stay away. Isn't it always like that?
It had been raining. There was mud everywhere. I inched the car into the first car park on side lights, unwilling to floodlight the five or six vehicles already present but worried about potholes. The glow of ciggies perked around the edge of the quagmire. I got out and stood in a puddle.
"Evening".a few responses. We drifted around. Cars departed, more arrived. The regular couple in the red Volvo were there but, as always, they only wanted one on and were already in deep negotiation. Tea was poured, matches cadged, occasional flickers of conversation. We exchanged notes on sites and experiences. I grew quite friendly with a couple of guys. Then, excitement - a four wheel drive with a young, good-looking couple arrived and parked, surveying the potential audience. What did they want? There were no signals. Five minutes passed and those who couldn't take the strain started to drift closer. Still no signals and after another five minutes they suddenly drove off. What was that all about? Oh well. The car park started to get crowded so I moved on.
Next car park. Jeezuss, like a major bus have been 40 cars in there. A row of TVs (I think) patrolled one side, a little camper van played host to a bunch of chatty people in various "gear" sharing tea and jokes, vehicles came and went, some discreetly, some with a blaze of headlamps. Then the 4 wheel drive couple came in and parked. Immediately, a dozen guys converged almost at a run and, unsurprisingly, they drove out again. A couple of idiots started up and followed them. I ground my potential scared off. This was just too busy.
Next car park, God the cars! Far too many! I stopped anyway. The hapless four wheel drive couple drove past again and half the cars in the car park shot out in pursuit. Why do so-called doggers do this? At least it left the carpark in a better condition. I sat and dozed, listened to the radio, got out, chatted, enjoyed the night air and muttered conversation, then cruised gently on to warm the engine (and my feet).
Thirty minutes later, I slipped back into the same carpark on sidelights. It was very still, only half a dozen cars and all quiet. I parked up and, avoiding the tranny on the side rank, sauntered carefully across to the corner where a darkened car seemed to have two heads and a couple of guys drifting casually past. I recognised one of them from earlier. "Any joy?" I asked."it's a couple", he murmured, "don't know if we're on".
Ten minutes' observation. We kept a low profile. "Sod it," I said.."I'll stroll by and look".the driver met my eyes square on. The lights were out inside but so, quite clearly, was his cock. His young wife, girlfriend, whatever, was curled kittenishly in her seat, wrapped in a long coat, watching him wank himself. I strolled on.I strolled back..he looked at me even more meaningfully and his girl twisted out of her coat to show she wore a see-thru shortie nightie and nothing else. Out of nowhere, my friend from earlier was by my elbow. I heard someone say "Here we go".
The inside of the car lit briefly to show us her fabulous body. She was slim, beautifully proportioned with her sex trimmed and nipples as erect as thimbles. A low moan of appreciation drifted through the five watchers. Then the light went off, there were too many passing cars. A brief moment of hilarity when he hit the flashers by mistake as she squirmed across his lap. We watched by moonlight, moving carefully around the car to catch glimpses of her going down on him, sucking his cock whilst pouting her bottom in the air. He fingered her wetly and then she turned and spread her legs, treating us to a full view of herself. he spread her open with his fingers and they was wild with it, doing everything she could to display herself as much as possible for the audience and he was very obviously getting off on watching us watching the pair of them.
Throughout the show, the watchers were quiet and jostled for position, nobody hogged a window, nobody rapped on the glass. It was couple-watching with consent in just the way it ought to be. If another car went by or entered the car park, we all turned and moved back so as to not be obvious.
She helped him finger her to climax he was having trouble. Probably the excitement was too exchanged words and, it was suddenly apparent they were preparing to go. We stood back. The car started and glided away with only a brief wave from the driver window. Nobody applauded but everyone was grateful.
A few more scraps of conversation and I found I didn't even feel cold anymore. Phew, I thought, and went back to the first car park. A few minutes after I arrived, the Volvo couple were having noisy sex with their partner of choice on the other side of their vehicle. I had a chat with an obvious newbie who wanted to know where to go, what to do, how to do it. The usual. Being not so far off a newbie myself, I was cautious with information.
And then off home. It had been a good, fun evening.a bit of socialising, a fine bit of action, a good demonstration of proper dogging manners, a lot of cold night air...
Nice one. And thanks to you all, whoever you are.
FAN-bloody-tastic lol great post captured every aspect wonderfully, even down to the lack of signals, subsequent confusion and the excitement when it all just worked out, its not often i read something that makes me REALLY want to go out with mrs dirty and have some fun with the boys, but that piece hit the mark,sort of stimulated mrs dirty's D spot :lol: so thanks for sharing wink
tell you what, i've just read it through again, and its even better lol in fact, i think it ought to be made a "sticky", as an example of a dogging experience. usefull too for newbie couples who, having read the usuall negative stuff on the board of late, probably end their asperations right, roll on friday :lol:
Hi Dirties.....thanks for the encouragement.... :-) .....I doubt the people who were there will ever read this post but I wanted to thank them in some way and this was the best I could come up with! As you say, roll on Friday......hmmmm....or maybe I'llI just go out again tonight... ;-)
hi mate
i am very new and would like to know where and when will be the best place to go?
thank you
if you do not wanna post this pls can u email it to me
many thanks eddie
I started to read this yesterday Yehaf but had to come back to finish it properly.....superb post and a very interesting read for someone like me who avoids places that are as busy as you described! It's great to see things like this on the board! biggrin It does mean that we'll be expecting every post to be of this quality now wink
One line stood out though....
I got out and stood in a puddle
That made me laugh out loud both times I read it! lol
Hi 'dipity....thanks for the kind words. I'd invite you to share my puddle but... *sigh* ...I'm told that you live up a mountain with a picturesque view of Bolton or some such in the distance.
As to busy places...the places I know seem to be either overrun or else empty... :-) ....I've yet to discover any formula to determine otherwise.... ;-)
so does this mean dogging is on the up then?
In this weather, I doubt it. Too cold to think, let alone be stripping off. I haven't been out a great deal recently but it does seem that there's more activity after a long fallow period before Christmas. The trip I wrote about was the first in a long time where I've encountered people who actually wanted to show and then went through with it, and I had a similar experience the next time I went out (mid-week)...but what really motivated me to write was the varied behaviour I saw and how it affected the outcome of the encounter....