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A nice printable leaflet.

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Yes, print it on A4 and fold it into three and it makes a nice leaflet for your local police to read, after asking you what you're doing....again....again....and again.
Nice one Jomu, however i don't think i would have the bottle to point the leaflet out to PC i'm a twat after being caught out with my backside raised in the air during the heat of the moment.
It may give the guy's that surround our car something to cover their modesty with though. lol
Can i print them?..can i?...can i?
and can i make up the wording?
"i have just robbed those houses and am having a rest officer"
"this is the safest place to have a coffee officer, lots of police cars keep driving in"
Quote by mattius
Can i print them?..can i?...can i?
and can i make up the wording?
"i have just robbed those houses and am having a rest officer"
"this is the safest place to have a coffee officer, lots of police cars keep driving in"

Yes, you can print them. No, you cannot make up the wording.
It's already done in the attached print it out on one side, then turn the paper over and print the other side. You then fold it in three....
Other forces have their own version, such as: , but the Mets prints out just right....
Quote by shad
Nice one Jomu, however i don't think i would have the bottle to point the leaflet out to PC i'm a twat after being caught out with my backside raised in the air during the heat of the moment.
It may give the guy's that surround our car something to cover their modesty with though. lol

Yes, well. From your attached avatar, I'm sure any constables present would not object too much....unless they have a "W" prefixing the PC....I have noted, over the years, that WPCs' are not as tolerant. Mind you, most of them have "appearance problems" they need to address (or should that be undress)
Quote by jomu
Nice one Jomu, however i don't think i would have the bottle to point the leaflet out to PC i'm a twat after being caught out with my backside raised in the air during the heat of the moment.
It may give the guy's that surround our car something to cover their modesty with though. lol

Yes, well. From your attached avatar, I'm sure any constables present would not object too much....unless they have a "W" prefixing the PC....I have noted, over the years, that WPCs' are not as tolerant. Mind you, most of them have "appearance problems" they need to address (or should that be undress)
:lol: Indeed so Jomu, WPC's tend to have an image but what that image is can be open to negotiation.
I would think that inside every police station throughout the UK you will find a cardboard cutout, and if the WPC's can pass through it they are in. The cut out would be HULK shaped. :lol:
And Mrs shad can have leveling effect on most men whether they are in the constabulary or not.
Would be certain they would not mind looking into her particulars.
Oh i note the Wiltshire police documment was up for review in 2005, just wondered what the outcome of that review was.?
And Mattius you can print off what you like mate, as mrs shad says you are a true gent.
mr & mrs shad.
interesting read Jomu, thanks..i could only download the Wiltshire version, as i just get an "couldn't find aerobat reader" message or something similar when i attempt to access the origional i haven't got a printer anyway, i guess its academic..
there is rather a lot to take in, and so i'll peruse it a few more times..but for now..what would you suggest as being the key point "clinchers" to be pointed out to police when they are getting rather too persistant in their questioning?
although i realise that many carparks have quite a high profile police presence..your's far, its not been too big an issue hereabouts..just over the border, into Suffolk, things can be a little hotter, in that the fellas get served with producers etc..which kinda affects the popularity of the place..but here in Norfolk..its not anything we personally have had problems fact, i have been a little suggestive with WPC's on two occassions lol and they were fine with it :lol: i never did get to see her stocking tops, but was assured, had they been stockings, and not tights..a flash would have been forthcoming :shock:
the Wiltshire document does appear to state quite clearly, that merely hanging around in a carpark for the purposes of meeting others, that you may then wish to relocate to somewhere else not a its there in black and white..thats all we need to know, right? or are there other considerations that i've overlooked?
thinking about it, if Iluvminis is reading this..WHAT did happen to those five fellas that alledgedly were arrested and subsequently had to go to court? i strongly suspect..nothing..but it would be nice to hear it from the messanger so to speak..
You need to download and install Acrobat Reader, Mr D. It's free.
As for about:
It must always be considered that when dealing with issues surrounding PSEs media coverage may be generated. The media is not to be used proactively as it may attract others to the site and exacerbate the problem; or criminals to prey upon those who use the PSE.
Care must be taken to ensure that media coverage has a positive effect and does not damage relationships with any section of the community because of sensationalist reporting of the behaviour of an unrepresentative few.

Maybe they ought to give a copy to their press people, they are the ones who continually keep the whole publicity thing alive.
Police and partners frame the issue in proper terms and context
Actions taken are well considered, proportionate, lawful, appropriate and necessary and not seen as ‘knee-jerk’.
Police and partners are able to evidence decisions reached and actions taken; or not taken if considered appropriate.

Yes. Exactly. So many times actions are disproportionate that a touch of "sod-all to do tonight lads, lets take the van and "do" the cruising spots" seems to have been the order of the day.
However, just a read is interesting. It lets you know the lay of the land (if lay is the right word)
here in sussex I wonder if the police have some form of plan. I seen them visit some of the quieter locations and get blinded by the search light, but at a very busy site near brighton have not seen them around, wonder if there idea is to steer every one to the one area ? although some of the other regulars have said the police have been round, they also seem to visit about 10pm but not afterwards, perhaps its the lack of water in the south and they are dehydrated which affects the decission making, or perhaps after 10 they decide they should be doing police work trying to catch those breaking the law instead of bothering conscenting adults minding there own business.