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A positive post

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hi all smile , not been here for a while but thought i would add this post, probably not in the right place but "oh well"
Anyway I was reading through the posts and still seems to be same stuff, boy racers, bad manners etc :cry: . so I thought I'd add a positive post.
Anyway I was travelling down the motorway the other day and thought its a bit cold to be stopping off but my horn got the better of me wink and I popped in to a place where I've never had any luck but it was on the way, so I parked up and low and behold theres a cpl lookin like they might be game, lights went on and door opened ( I was parked away from them at this point lookin in my mirror) any way as soon as the lady made a move to get out of car some twat parked right in front of them headlights shining in mad , well needless to say they buggerded off, well i waited a bit then drove round the "block" and sure enough they were back, no sign of dick head either, minutes passed lol, they got out and went into woods, I followed at a polite distance, got to clearing and was about to get good when this dickhead turned up again and started to chat to me, so I looked at couple smiled and walked away (bloke was a twat and they knew it was him from ealier)anyway round the block again. their car still there when I got back, :arrow: so into woods I went, well trying to find someone in woods was joke in itself but find them I did, (helped by the torch they had) any way to the happy ending, when I got to them I was raging hard with anticipation and they had already entertained some one so it was a quick may I have a wank / yes over her fanny / no touching.I enjoyed myself although I was late turning up LOL biggrin .
I class this as a sucess so its one up for the chance encounters lol :)
Hey....nice to know it happened for you, even at some length. Just goes to prove that good manners count for a lot!
Hi filthyfrog
Its nice to see you around mate,its been a very long time since i see you at that famous site.
As we have both said in the past good manners count.... mate....I am glad you had such good fun,,, lol you lucky git.
Take it easy mate
mikey55 biggrin
In answer to this thread as a dogging cpl it is good to see that the guys with manners are getting a bit of action and not having it spoilt for them by the idiots who seem to want to drive the decnt folk away. biggrin
Quote by steanrachy
In answer to this thread as a dogging cpl it is good to see that the guys with manners are getting a bit of action and not having it spoilt for them by the idiots who seem to want to drive the decnt folk away. biggrin
just wondering did your night out go well confused: