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aint most cpls pissed off

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just read in the last fortnight god knows how many cpls topics when push comes to shove there is no fem lets get things straight I AM THE FEMALE HALF OF A CPL WHO THE BOTH OF US HAS BEEN LET DOWN IN THE PAST THREE WEEKS BY MEN WHO PRETEND TO BE CPLS
lets be honest folks we all know most of the users on this siyte are males so be honest make yourself appealing and you might get somewhere donrt you think if you pretend you wont get found out the whole purpose of this site is to a:chat make friends
b:meet someone
bye for now from one pissed off bitch mel
yer we have had a few to be honest but after a chat mrs north seems to suss them out and now she asked a couple of question s she asks which should be answered straight away
All I can suggest is that you do as we do. We only meet if the two girls have spoken on the phone first. If the girls click its a maybe and we move forward. If the 'other' girl is mysteriously permanently unavailable then its a deffinate no go. There are genuine couples here, but a lot of time wasters as have our sympathy
Maybe if you could spell and punctuate your adverts you may get a better class of reply? Just a suggestion as your ad basically said "CHAV COUPLE WHO DON'T KNOW NO BETTER SEEK SIMILAR SPICE BOY!!"
Good luck guys, seriously.
All the best.
Quote by ruislip32
Maybe if you could spell and punctuate your adverts you may get a better class of reply? Just a suggestion as your ad basically said "CHAV COUPLE WHO DON'T KNOW NO BETTER SEEK SIMILAR SPICE BOY!!"
Good luck guys, seriously.
All the best.

Mmmmm Burberry :sticky:
Errr, forgive my ignorance but what's the points scheme?
Quote by HedonistHun
Errr, forgive my ignorance but what's the points scheme?

I was thinking that as well. dunno
Quote by HedonistHun
Errr, forgive my ignorance but what's the points scheme?

Maybe he gives Tesco clubcard points dunno
Quote by alan_acomb
Errr, forgive my ignorance but what's the points scheme?

Maybe he gives Tesco clubcard points dunno
I'm with Sainsburys. Dammit.
Oh goody, so glad I'm not the only ignoramus :P
I suppose it could be Homebase points. I need to collect more!
I suppose you could award points/ marks like a rating system; then if you're honest and genuine you'll have nothing to worry about and other honest genuine folks will know also, due to your ratings/points. This could also work in the opposite way, whereas if 'males' pose as 'couples', they could be deducted, therefore a rubbish rating.
A bit like feedback system on ebay maybe?? confused
I'm only suggesting, as I'm a single male and you all get tarred with the same brush; which is frustrating as I AM genuine!
Quote by cuthbert_casual
I suppose you could award points/ marks like a rating system; then if you're honest and genuine you'll have nothing to worry about and other honest genuine folks will know also, due to your ratings/points. This could also work in the opposite way, whereas if 'males' pose as 'couples', they could be deducted, therefore a rubbish rating.
A bit like feedback system on ebay maybe?? confused
I'm only suggesting, as I'm a single male and you all get tarred with the same brush; which is frustrating as I AM genuine!

Hmmmm the idea is ok in principle. The only problem is that it is going to contravene the sites policy of not 'naming and shaming'. Which is what negative feedback will inevitably do. Personally I think it's just best to 'grin and bear it',and make use of the phone to verify authenticity.
It takes a little time, but once you have built up a network of reliable and like minded people there is plenty of fun to be had.
Attention to detail in the profile/ad/photo department is important though. GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out) or put another way patience and common sense pay off in the long run.
hi, just an idea and it maybe i non starter but what about a 3 strike and your out type situation. if your person lets you down or turns out to be something other than they say you report them to the site. if the person is reported three times there email adress is blocked from the site so they cannot sign in. least it gives a little tolerance if the people that dont show are genuine but genuinelly couldnt make it for whatever reason. i know its polite if you cant make it to let the other person know but some people just lack common sense and basic manors. its by no means a perfect idea and it dont help if your thre person let down before the time waster is kicked off but to be honest i don t think there is a way to be fair and please everyone. as i said tho its just an idea and what do i know?
we mainly meet guys not couples, only last night a guy on cam in chatroom at 6pm asked us to meet him and 2 friends we said is 8pm ok, yes but need to know your up 4 so we gave him our number he rang straight away ok he was happy mrs was a real fem and up 4 it so we went to the venue 8pm guess what they didn't show,even now 21 hours later no text or mail with an apology. what more can genuine peeps do? and they wonder why we dont accomodate, why should we give losers our address?
its already been stated s.h. dont agree with name and shame so unfortunately its become part and parcel of swinging, so you have to work out your own way of avoiding the dreamers.
Quote by young-begginer
hi, just an idea and it maybe i non starter but what about a 3 strike and your out type situation. if your person lets you down or turns out to be something other than they say you report them to the site. if the person is reported three times there email adress is blocked from the site so they cannot sign in.?

Brilliant idea Young-begginer, I could quite easily decide I dont like someone on here, and report them to the site three times and yes they are gone!! Just cause I never agreed to meet them in the first place, or they dont even know who I am, has nothing to do with it, they are banned just cause I felt like telling a pack of lies about someone! (and Im not having a go at you, just at the general idea of verification/points or whatever you want to call it)
The area of Verification has been discussed numerous times on this site and the decision as always been that it will not be introduced. We dont name and shame people and we dont award points to anyone.
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
hi, just an idea and it maybe i non starter but what about a 3 strike and your out type situation. if your person lets you down or turns out to be something other than they say you report them to the site. if the person is reported three times there email adress is blocked from the site so they cannot sign in.?

Brilliant idea Young-begginer, I could quite easily decide I dont like someone on here, and report them to the site three times and yes they are gone!! Just cause I never agreed to meet them in the first place, or they dont even know who I am, has nothing to do with it, they are banned just cause I felt like telling a pack of lies about someone! (and Im not having a go at you, just at the general idea of verification/points or whatever you want to call it)
The area ofVerification has been discussed numerous times on this site and the decision as always been that it will not be introduced. We dont name and shame people and we dont award points to anyone.
Ug !!!!!!! NWC
You mentioned the """"V"""" word.
Must remember to bring mouthwash with me next we meet :lol2:
Yes I know I am a long way from home wink
Phredd :love:
Quote by Medic_1
Ug !!!!!!! NWC
You mentioned the """"V"""" word.
Must remember to bring mouthwash with next we meet :lol2:
Yes I know I am a long way from home wink
Phredd :love:

Nice to see you visiting us over here :wink: and yes I will get out the mouth wash,just for you!
gawd..i was gonna say a bit on this thread, but i've just seen a soap :shock: not watched one, but saw it..(got company) rolleyes emmerdale i think it was..just people crying and falling over all the time..are soaps always like that? seriously, i never watch em lol
someone said about devising a wayof avoiding the dreamers..fine..just go out and do it :lol: call the guys what you like, but at least they are the real deal :lol: :lol:
hi single guy here where do all these guys come from who have a chance of a meet and don't show what ******* i'd love the opportunity and i would not waste it and if for some unforseen circumstance did come up it is only common courtesy to let the people. are some genuine single guys out there so gives us a chance
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
hi, just an idea and it maybe i non starter but what about a 3 strike and your out type situation. if your person lets you down or turns out to be something other than they say you report them to the site. if the person is reported three times there email adress is blocked from the site so they cannot sign in.?

Brilliant idea Young-begginer, I could quite easily decide I dont like someone on here, and report them to the site three times and yes they are gone!! Just cause I never agreed to meet them in the first place, or they dont even know who I am, has nothing to do with it, they are banned just cause I felt like telling a pack of lies about someone! (and Im not having a go at you, just at the general idea of verification/points or whatever you want to call it)
The area of Verification has been discussed numerous times on this site and the decision as always been that it will not be introduced. We dont name and shame people
and we dont award points to anyone.
Have to agree Naughty
On the plus point it would be very quite,would that be a plus point confused: maybe someone should start a virtual who would you like to ban thread, but that would not have a lot to do with dogging would it, O shit thats us gone bolt What about three spelling mistakes and your out, Not again, thats us gone, got to be able to find something we do right :?