You gotta pack that in J , theyll catch up with you one evening mate.
That is just so frightening, no wonder the police are checking the laybys and carparks at the moment!
i think while we are watching out for our selfs we should also be vigilant on what is happening around us, i for one would hope that someone would check to make sure i was ok if something did not look quiet right.
if ever i had a scare like that there would be one less lady on the scene and i think i speak for many more ladies.
Thats scary, I was around there a few weeks ago as its only about 20 mins up the road from home.
I noticed the increased police activity but hadnt heard about what had happened. thank you for posting this jomu
Jesus, that IS scary. Just up the road from me too....cross that one off my list I think
As well as a bump I have heard on the grapevine of another attempted attack in the local area.
PLEASE BE CAREFULL there seems to be a bit of a nutcase (s) around here at the moment.
haven't seen anything in press at the moment but better to know the minute something happens rather than to take silly risks.
I believe it was a group of a few cars possibly boy racers but not 100% sure of the actual facts