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Any dogging around in Hatfield soon?

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Please respond i havent seen any ever and was wondering if any happens around there. I havent managed to see any activity.
You need to get out more, and stop expecting the "internet" to do it for you.
what? and who are you to comment when your sitting on your computer like a potato NOW.
haha what a hypocrite.
Its called background knowledge BEFORE going out, just like you plan your route before a long car journey. wink
if you've got something constructive to comment on then please do so if not shut up
thank you.
Quote by Fun_!!
what? and who are you to comment when your sitting on your computer like a potato NOW.
haha what a hypocrite.
Its called background knowledge BEFORE going out, just like you plan your route before a long car journey. wink
if you've got something constructive to comment on then please do so if not shut up
thank you.

lol well fun i see ur a good judge of people
Jomu has an amazing abillity to piss people off but no dout all his cronie will be bashing the door down any second to defend him
no need to defend him ... were sure his next reply will suffice
go jomu go!!!!!!!!!!!!!
alan rach xxx
so can any one answer my question at all without arguing or making pathetic immature comments?
I have a constructive comment . Try to be more patient , less demanding and listen more to those who are experienced doggers and know what they are doing. Try not to come across like the world owes you a shag and try not to alienate all of the people who may (if you had handled if differently) tried to help you .
Oh and its a bit late now , but I was gonna suggest maybe advice from an expert say Jomu .
You're right, I was at my pc...but then I always have a look before I go out at night.
You see, nowt much goes on between about 1930z and 2300z....that's the tween times, when the rest of us leave the laybys, byways and carparks to the assholes who drive about when their wives let them out...before they have to hurry home, downing a can of beer so their breath smells of alcohol and the "had a good time with the lads" excuse seems ok.
Sound familiar ?
Mind you, your excuse could be fishing or farting for all I know...or care.
If you ain't out, you ain't gonna see owt....and as you may notice from various posts, there are a lot of time-wasters about who happily arrange meets and then never show-up.... (not you Lissa...)
Sound familiar ?
Times about to change soon...dark at 4....more tossers driving about scared to leave the security of the tin can....headlamp erections all around then....frantically posting on the net trying to get a free shag in the allotted time span...
Sound familiar ?
I know several of the gang at various sites about herts...scratchwood...welwy etc....they seem to have a good time...but they are real doggers...not inet shitheads...
Sound familiar ?
dont sound familiar by any account
1: i dont drink
2: im not married or have a gf - just girl mates
3: i havent been dogging which was why im asking
4: im not a time waster which is why im asking questions before hand so i know what to expect and when the meets are available so im not one of the sad losers that are walking around not meeting any of the action.
Im a sensible person whos looking to gain a new experience
you sound very knowledgable so can u offer where i would have to find some dogging around my area and what time roughly?
Fun mate youre not listening . Its not run to a timetable , its a chance thing . Jomu has already told you go out and find out mate................. .its the only way . If we told you a time and place we'd be lying , and then you would come back here moaning about time wasters . If you want a date for a specific time and place I reccomend Dateline.
wrong, oitherwise this would be a pointless forum. This is the whole reaons why its a forum. Forums provide information for oncomers and this is why im hear. Im not here to have a pointless discussion on where to find dogging. But if you want to go down that route then ill think for myself.
Thats an original idea on your part Fun . Think for yourself mate , that will save us the attempt at advice and everyone is happy . Just for the record if you do meet anyone , try and do the sex before the conversation , or else you may find its just you and the tumbleweed in the parking space .
Gotta love em , theres one registered every minute .
dont worry i have got some information now so im fully understood
thanks for ur advice aswell.
beds cpl here we will be in a laybye in soth uk somwhere between now and december somtime within a 24 hour period, all welcome rolleyes
Thats a coincidence Luton !! We are too !!!
Looking at your pics, weren't in a carpark to the north of luton about midnight last night ?
Quote by jomu
Looking at your pics, weren't in a carpark to the north of luton about midnight last night ?

no mate we went to brighton races yesterday and before you ask we didnt win a bloddy penny lol mad
Quote by Silk and Big G
Thats a coincidence Luton !! We are too !!!

wow that is spooky we will be sure to look out for you, ill be wearing a blue top the wife a red top wink
Cool ! Ill be the one with the hard on and Silk on my dick , and Silk will be in the stockings :-)
sometimes I wonder why I am on this forum then I come across threads like this and it all becomes clear biggrin
Ahh, Brighton races.
Did you stay in the town overnight ?
Is the racecourse carpark still active at night....last time it was crawling....
Quote by Silk and Big G
Cool ! Ill be the one with the hard on and Silk on my dick , and Silk will be in the stockings :-)

Silk and Big G and Luton couple all together, I'm pedalling now biggrin :D
You are very right about chance Big G mate, I keep taking chances and none are paying off, however for once I am not going to complain as I have just heard that my younger sister's car has broken down for the third time in about two weeks and the poor kid is in tears, helps me put it in perspective. At least my car keeps going to get to these empty dogging sites.
Quick moan. As some of you have probably noticed if you have met me, my bladder is not the strongest and often on arriving at a dogging site jumping out of car and having a pee is the first thing I do. This seems to encourage blokes to come rushing over in case I am playing and like last night, when I am in full flow and powerless to do anything the sight of a bloke rushing over at high speed 1) scares me and 2) pisses me off, I can never waggle the drips off and get it put away quick enough so I can jump back in my car mad
By the way you forgot to put the link in for datelines url :!: Though I am on a sort of meeting people website and the only women that get in touch with me all live in Russia and want to marry me and have my babies :x :x I write to all these women and none of them get in touch. I'm trying to create a spreadsheet so I can stop writing to the same one twice by mistake and think I am about to send message number 100 with about three women who have responded back before getting bored and one of those only because she is into beer (Now what do I tell her if I bump into her at the Norwich Social Session confused: )
Right going to stop now before someone accuses me of turning into Uncle Dirty by way of my post lengths.
Final point, I have made a major accomplishment on my week off last week, I now average over a post a day :D
Harry Jones