bigben, ta for the additional , lets look at it in a little more detail. you had an expectation of how the evening would unfold, which was formulated through reading the guidelines here, and maybe etiquette advice on other websites, ok, so you did a little homework, but although what you read was valuble and constructive, did little to prepare you for the actuality.
ok, so we have an advantage over you, experience, the good old school of hard knocks, which, has made our expectations a little more realistic than yours. the upshot being, the night that you described, as being intimidating, would to us, have been a good evening. it also is worth mentioning, the textbook scenario that you anticipated exists, we enjoy such nights often.
lets just have a look at two sectors within the dogging whole, which although a minority, seem to be the major reason for dogging disasters, and hence the biggest issue open for discussion on the board, that of the hardcore players who constitute the extreem end of the market. before i continue, let me point out that this is a generalisation only, in essence its an over simplification, but for the purpose of illustrating the point, it will do, just bear in mind, there are other variables concearned.
right, we'll refrain from describing the guys in derogatory terms, as really its relative, in that they play the game at a more extreme level. we call them arseholes because their methods often undermine the respectfull attitude of the majority and cause the more sensitive couples to flee. more often than not, these hardcore doggers will be experienced players, there may be among their ranks, apprentices, which from an early stage, decided that shows were not their interest, the agenda was sex, either being blown or fucking. their best survival would be to join the ranks of the pack players.
the couples in this sector constitute the flip-side. these couples may once have been exhibitionists, quickly escalating their game to gang-bang status. their level is of no consequence to us, other than colouring the attitude of these guys. again, through experience, these couples, as with the guys will be de-sensitised to the usual issues regarding instinctive responses, and as such, the usual rules of engagement that effect us, have little meaning to them matters not how these couples or players got there or why, but the fact is, they represent the hardcore element seen at many major venues.
ok, so there is this compatability right? couples that invite an immediate approach by participating males, and subsequently, guys that show little reserve in their quest for sexual gratification. obviously sites that have their quota of gang-bang couples, will, conversely have their attendant hardcore playing males, our venue is such a place.
now for the incompatility, and the reason why these guys are derided by the majority. first though, it should be pointed out, that whilst these guys can, and frequently do operate in a solo capacity, often their preffered method is that of the preditory pack. this offers several advatages, not least the protection afforded from the discontent majority. whilst the inexperienced, respectfull players and voyuers will refrain from a full on assult, the hardcore will storm in on the assumption that the couple will be up for it, this ensures that not only are they first in the queue, but if part of a pack, they will enjoy a manopoly on the couple, even warding off other doggers in some self appointed private orgy.
the problem arises when a new couple arrive at a location. the hardcore, unaware of the level of your game, will play their usual hand. naturally, if you are a hardened gang-bang couple, you will be undaunted by this approach, and they will enjoy first pickings. if you are players, with enough experience to be undisturbed by the forward attitude, again, there wont be much confrontation, the guys will be happy to wait until you are ready, you will be confident enough to communicate your intentions, in the knowledge you can see them through, again, there will be little hostility. the guys will however group together, there will be little chance of outsiders getting into the equasion. however, for showing couples, unless their intentions are made clear from the onset, or couples with less confidence and experience, the situation often looks too intimidating to comfortably stay, and so will often leave. the guys will assume these couples were "only" showers, their hasty departure will be of little consequence to them. it is a loss to the voyuers and respectfull players, hence the animosity.
oookay, back to you guys. in the example you cited, were the guys just voyuers, happening upon you whilst playing, then innocently assuming that you were one of the increasing number that show in the unlit gloom of your vehicle? well, i cant answer that, its out of my experience. for a more reliable insight, you need to think about the time factor involved, but its subjective. if you feel they were straight on your car, the chances favour them being hard players, if the approach was more considerate, they were probably watchers, open to the idea of involvement if the oppertunity arose. if they were the former, would they still watch?, maybe. some walk, some stick around, while others will attempt to befriend you, on the assumption that you'll become players soon.
what to do then? well, you could have sat it out. hardcore doggers are notoriously impatient, verging on the hyperactive. they dont settle long, especialy if there is an alternative venue nearby, and there isnt a scout doing the rounds. in my opinion, and jomu's if i read him right, you'de be better off at a less intense venue, where maybe a show is a once in a blue moon event. that way, at least you know the guys will be well satisfied, and the experience will be far less intimidating for you..
your other option is to visit us, where your girl can partake in a mutual flange eating excersise with mrs dirty, and an assembled doggery comprising the most respectfull wankers in the county, all in the tranquill surroundings of a woodland glade. can it get any better than that?