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PLEASE - don't shout. It's not very nice.
sorry to jump on your thread littledave, nothing personal, but your perception of dogging as some type of organized event is an increasingly common theme. people no longer ask where, but now frequently enquire as to where and when. your lifestyle may be fast, your food probably is too, but flange isn't so fast my friend, dogging by nature is the antithesis of the rat race, and as such isn't run to a schedual, when it is, then much of the origional point is lost.
next time you are walking by the river, look at the guy fishing on the far bank, the lone figure braving the elements in persuit of his sport. is he restless, has he alocated himself 30 minutes to catch his carp, then not having done so, becomes dissillusioned with the game? no, he is a true dogger, he just favours a different type of tackle, but in essence its the same sport. no trout jokes now, or rod in hand ones for that matter lol do you think he took the bait, or have i opened a can of worms confused: there, done em all now wink
for gods sake leave lad alone hes got to start some where,
unless his local college does night class in dogging, where is he going to learn.
does he need sarcastic comments.
ave got a life jeff
Quote by sunnymac
for gods sake leave lad alone hes got to start some where,
unless his local college does night class in dogging, where is he going to learn.
does he need sarcastic comments.
ave got a life jeff

well, i didn't think anything said was sarcastic, and was carefull to add that it wasn't to be taken personally. dogging is an attitude of mind, so an educational authority on the subject wouldn't really be appropiate. maybe you would like to offer some advice to littlemac, given that my referal to dogging as a waiting game wasn't, in your view, realistic?
its the same old story im affraid, many think ill advertise on the web that will get me a shag, its gotta be better than waiting in the bloody cold for someone to show up!!!!!!!!1
well WRONG!!!!!!! ok you mite get some success on the web, but in my view and it mite be my view only, its more fun going out braving the cold nites ive been out all weekend (yes and it was a blizzard sat nite) and seen nowt, but ill not be dishearted ill be out again at the weekend try again . its the thing about this game wait and you will be rewarded sometimes. just a few words of wisdom for you littlemac not getting at you mate just be patiant.
Worms are turnin Mr D lolololol
Cant be right for being wrong :-)
yeah, bloody hell, i got a right bollocking didn't i? as for singledogger, in that blizzard saturday night, what a guy, ought to change that handle to "nook of the north" mate, fuck me, he'll be out on a sled and team of huskies next..just shows the committment though, "the master" was out amongst it too. where were we, you ask? eerm, well at home, eating a large pie with all the bits and pieces.
no, we have an excuse, some twat suggested we dress in something light, so mrs dirty put on her white top, white boots, white knickers and white stockings, only got bowled over by a fucking snowplough, unbelievable wink
I always make Silky wear her white gloves when were dogging at night . Otherwise she bites her fingers when she eats her choc ice.
Actually Mr D, I thought you gave some very good, lighthearted advice there! Seems the guys just dont want to learn, or know how to take good advice when it is offered!
As for Singledogger, always said you Soufeners werent really softies!
Whoops, quick exit before someone reads it bolt
aah, ta very very much naughty babes..mind you, i do talk bollocks sometimes lol i mean, all that fisherman crap, what the kin hell was that all about confused: oooh, i ave me moments loov..
thing is though, the people that contribute most on the board, you know, party, single, the silken pair, serendipity, your good selves, jomu and the rest of the gang are the ones that are inclined to take the least from it, have you noticed that? i mean, i don't stick all that shit on the forum with any expectation of getting me dick sucked, and i dare say, your words are offered freely, and without anticipation of a flange battering? yet there is all this take take take mentality, quick, i've strung a sentence together, come and suck me cock, type stuff.
if i don't say this first, then no doubt somebody will,"well if you don't like it dirty you fat twat, why don't you fuck off"?, but then when our guns do fall silent, its like a sea of desperate voices shouting out from no man's land.....heeeelp, neeed me knob sucking......wheeeere are all the couples....ooooh doggings dead....wheres all the best me and me mates the ropes....out in 20 minutes, pm me for meet.....20 year old stud here, hung like a baboon..but cant get me end away in a brothel with a fifty quid note stuck out of my arse and so it goes on, of course, its all harmless enough, and you may argue that the forum is for that purpose, but continuing on the great war theme, its like that painting, the victims of the gas attack at ypres being led across the flanders mud, all blindfolded, each with their hand resting on the shoulder of the tommy in front, maybe sometimes we are percieved as mosquitos, annoying critters buzzing around the stagnant pools, but at least we are a distraction, if nothing else lol
quick question naughty, why do people oop north call everyone,"cock"? myself and mrs dirty were visiting people in bolton, and mrs d was a little upset..a guy runs over and said "ahh, what are you crying for, cock"? to which mrs dirty replied "yes, i am"..the fella looked well confused..boom boom..
may i just point out, the above rant was only a bit of fun lads, ok, so your posts are shit, but at least they are short and to the point, not like my fuckers eh? wink
hey, i've just had a thought, poor ole littledave must wonder what the fucks going on :shock: poor lad only put a cry out for some muff, since then his threads been up and down like a whore's draws...come on son, come and have a giggle with dirty and the rest of the gang biggrin
thanks for the replies,gave me something to think on!
but if noone lets you know where the meets are then how are you supposed to find them?
any advice would be helpful,or a pm with meetings would be good redface
Quote by dirtydoggers
hey, i've just had a thought, poor ole littledave must wonder what the fucks going on :shock: poor lad only put a cry out for some muff, since then his threads been up and down like a whore's draws...come on son, come and have a giggle with dirty and the rest of the gang biggrin

Seriously, wants to give Mr n Mrs D a hug
Silky xxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by dirtydoggers
come and suck me cock. wink

Bloody Hell, Mr D, is that an offer! lol
Welcome lynni133, I have sent you a link via pm to the Avatar Sizing Programme, so hopefully you will be able to get you pics on very soon.
Little Dave, we all started somewhere and the best way to find meets is to get out and find the quieter sites. People on here generally need to get to know you a bit better before they are willing to give out details of sites/meets. As Mr D says, join in the banter, have a laugh and let your personality show. When people do know you, then you just might get the results you are looking for. However, I would say, dont expect imediate results, it can take months and months to get known. There is no time limits when it comes to dogging and if you are not very, very patient, then you are in the wrong game!
Remember, you need to build up the trust, and trust does not come over night! Good luck with it all, and enjoy your time on the site! It is well worth it in the long run!
leave the lad alone ads like this are the nature of the game "each to there own" if we were all the same what fun would it be especailly if we all like clever dick there
Quote by billyb
leave the lad alone ads like this are the nature of the game "each to there own" if we were all the same what fun would it be especailly if we all like clever dick there

You're missing the point. Incidentally, you spelled tongue wrong.
Silky confused
Quote by Silk and Big G
Incidentally, you spelled tongue wrong.
Silky confused

It's a Wigan thing, we are too busy using the tongue to know how to spell it as well! lol
Quote by billyb
leave the lad alone ads like this are the nature of the game "each to there own" if we were all the same what fun would it be especailly if we all like clever dick there

yep, agree with that...what advice can you offer littledave? and you spelt "especially" wrong.
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
Incidentally, you spelled tongue wrong.
Silky confused

It's a Wigan thing, we are too busy using the tongue to know how to spell it as well! lol
As far as we are concerned, you both are the star that shines in Wigan xxxxx
can,t spell and had little bit of succes on here-so what!.You lot perfect are you?
billy billy billy, listen up mate, if you would..your spelling isn't perfect, hey, neither is mine!! do i think i'm better than you? well, you've got a bigger knob than i have, but i've had more experience with dogging maybe? the style of your posts, or those of the other one liners is really of no consequence to us, if they get results for you, then stick with it, i'm not your keeper. anyway, if you have anything constructive to offer littledave, i'm sure he will appreciate your input rather than your brotherhood of victims club membership. ask us something that we can help you with, other than where to go and at what time, and i'm sure you'll see us in a more positive light, but untill then, i'll refrain from further games of verbal tennis with you, its a little boring now.
if you check it over, i'm certain you will find some incorrect spelling, so have some fun at my expense wink
bloody hell i was only giving advice to little :cry: think ill keep me gob shut now (like fuck i will biggrin ) opps hope no one takes offence to that comment redface anyway keep chugging away little it takes time, bugger ive been dogging for sometime and aint had any luck (koff koff) lol i just like the stars/moonlite/pine smell in the woods/frost/wind/rain/snow brrrrrrrrrrrrr and best of all the company i meet hey mr dirty lol