Why is it locations on posts need to be pm'd when they are listed on the page itself : Is it because of safety and not attracting the wrong people that may be brousing the forum :?:
Quote by Mullins Why is it locations on posts need to be pm'd when they are listed on the page itself : Is it because of safety and not attracting the wrong people that may be brousing the forum :?:
Absolutely. If the location is already listed in the 'dogging' section on the left, there's not a lot we can do about it. However, as a rule of thumb, ANY location named in the main dogging forum is deleted so as to not attract attention from people who would just love to stop others having fun. Mal
Yes - if you said 'Southampton area' that would be fine, then everyone knows roughly where you mean. Once they PM you, you can then tell them more specifically and it gives you an idea of how many to expect. Mal