I have heard from a couple of people lately that a certain well known woodland trust owned site near to Bicester has been getting a lot of problems with boy racers. Not only this they have been showing increasing signs of aggression to doggers. I went along last night to check out the situation. A blue citroen (the predecessor to the saxo) was there with three lads in it. They flashed their indicators, headlights and even tooted their horn to try to tempt me out of my car. After a while they bored of this and drove of. About ten minutes later they returned in a dark blue fiesta and went through the same routine. Again they left. I decided to leave at this point. As I left they returned again this time in a red estate car. They may have been genuine but I think not. If anyone is using this site please take care.
What time were you there silk?
This was about 12ish
We werent there late, but that doesn't really matter. I think what matters is that people just keep an eye out and if there's a sniff of trouble, just move the showing somewhere different.
Fully agree with you both. Just thought better log it after all we don't want anyone getting hurt do we?
I'll try and get some of those plastic clip on sparkly hubcaps as well serendipity!
The blue fiesta is their favourite car now. Been up there a couple of times this week and each time they've turned up. It's a 'K' reg so if anybody's up their beware if this car comes in. Not sure of their intentions but they're bloody stupid and will ruin everything.
Take care out there!
They just sound like average asswipes to me . Ignore them . If a couple turns up they will wait for them to leave anyway , so dont worry about em theyre irrelevant.
Very true silk. Was shaping up to be a good night with at least eight cars there. a lot lost their bottle after the kids returned for the third time which is fair enough. Hopefully they'll get bored and leave us all to our fun.