If you're sensible we'd like to hear from you. We're open to suggestions

We're both bi and very exhibitionist and like active participants.
Genuine singles and couples welcome.
Timewasters.........................Fuck off!
:twisted: :twisted:
Quote by Eagerslut9
KcKat and I are gonna be tarting ourselves on Saturday night. We're looking for a pre-arranged meet with some sensible peeps in a quiet location somewhere away from the madding crowd!!:roll:
If you're sensible we'd like to hear from you. We're open to suggestions:wink:
We're both bi and very exhibitionist and like active participants.
Genuine singles and couples welcome.
Timewasters.........................Fuck off!
:twisted: :twisted:
Quote by GenHertsCpl
Tut tut, get him back on the leash and under control KcKat lol
Good job you keep an eye on him!