had a good night last night at broxton. v enjoyable, apart from the boyracers who were disrupting everything. dont think they realise its a mainly gay spot. back tonight for some more though. anyone want to join me????
maybe its becuase you have put a post up about this place on a swinging site that the boy racers have found out about it. well yes it was a good place but i dont think i will be going for a while now thanks
You could always break a habit of a lifetime and have fun during the week, we can still get you in bed before you turn back into a pumpkin,...... ps i dont see my name on the munch list NWC am i not invited anymore?.....GW
correct me if im wrong but broxton picnic area is clearly listed in the "swinging sites" section of this website. i only ever said i was going to broxton, i didnt pinpoint any specific area. get a life you geek!