We are a couple from Dorset who are very interested in learning more about dogging in Dorset but struggling to find any one willing to help us out. Please see our profile for more info.
Can no one realy help us?
Is dogging a closed shop?
We have spoke to several people on here and as soon as you metion dogging the exchange of messages stop in an instant.
What are we doing wrong?
heya Blue!
I've just moved to Dorset... Does definitely seem quiter here, which is a shame give all the amazing countryside we have to play in!
I'm certainly no dogging expert, but very keen to learn... If you fancy learning together, give me a scream!
I'm usually on the A31 late most nights... Let me know if you'll be out and about :-)
Sandyballs, I like that answer to that problem, choose our own dogging spot and invite who we would like to! Simple yet perfect