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Cannock Chase Questions?

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Hi Guys,
I have found a few places in Cannock Chase which is a great relief as Wolverhapton is as dry as a nun's.......... (Sorry)
Only problem is, people keep driving onto one car park and straight off and on to another.
Now I admit, I am a complete beginner who will take any help I can get but even I know this attracts unwanted attention.
Which are the best days/times for this area?
What are the chances of actually seeing something by just turning up randomly oppose to arranged meets?
Sorry for the lame questions but I am waiting for a Mentor to bore with mondane PMs. lol
We all have to start somewhere!
Bren rolleyes
think you will find the chase is not the place it was. yea are alot of cruisers..who go from one park to another hoping for some action. The fact is the well known places are generally a no go area these days. Far to many boy racers for a stsrt that now know the car parks and like to wait till something looks like happening and then all switch on main beam headlights. These days is best to find quiet car park area and just hope someone else finds it as well.....or as you said pre-arrange something. Good will need it...but looking on bright side you will become on first names terms with the rabbits and deer if you hang around for long enough.
Quote by BrenZR
What are the chances of actually seeing something by just turning up randomly oppose to arranged meets?
Bren rolleyes

Well a friend tells me that he has been touring the chase for over a year now and he must have been about 300 times .....and he says he has encountered activity just twice.
Let me see thats about .67% ....definitely rocking horse shit frequency.
One encounter was a delight to behold though....apparently redface
Quote by BrenZR
Hi Guys,
I have found a few places in Cannock Chase which is a great relief as Wolverhapton is as dry as a nun's.......... (Sorry)
Only problem is, people keep driving onto one car park and straight off and on to another.
Now I admit, I am a complete beginner who will take any help I can get but even I know this attracts unwanted attention.
Which are the best days/times for this area?
What are the chances of actually seeing something by just turning up randomly oppose to arranged meets?
Sorry for the lame questions but I am waiting for a Mentor to bore with mondane PMs. lol
We all have to start somewhere!
Bren rolleyes

What you've described could be related to any popular dogging site and with more and more men, women and couples wanting to see what its all about, expect the number of cruisers to rise.
If you can pre arrange a meet up the chase for a couple or woman best of luck because you will need it the males seeking far outweigh the couples dogging. Sitting in a dogging car park waiting for something to happen is all part of the fun but you could be waiting hours, days or even months that I am afraid is part of the game PATIENCE. If you are lucky and you do see something dont forget which a lot of doggers seem to these days is treat them with the utmost respect and dont demand anything if all they want you to do is watch then be thankful of that. The whole thrill of dogging is the anticipation and if you bide your time you will lose your dogging virginity and take my word for it it does go on even now it is not all doom and gloom up the chase as some will have you believe. If you want any advice or you have any questions please feel free to PM me.
Thanks everyone for answering that one and I really appreciate your offer of advise Alan, I will no doubt take you up on that at some time lol
Happy Dogging
I have to say that I thought that the chase was dead for dogging - that is until today.
I had my very first experience. I got fed up waiting on a well known carpark and decided to move to another, park up and go for a walk.
To cut what could be a long story short, I was walking down the Sh........k Valley at about and met a woman, got into conversation and to put it bluntly - we SHAGGED. I can't believe its happened, not dogging I admit but who cares.
So my advice is to get out and about.
If that was you, then pm me, I didn't get your details in the excitement. i will be out again on monday at the same time.
You lucky ******* lol I will have to try walking around in the day myself!
Some people get all the luck! (Nothing to do with Dogging but are you a Baggies fan? Just thought I would ask as the name and area suggests so and I am a fan myself)
I am a Baggies fan - Boing Boing.
What happened to me will in all probability never happen again but it wont stop me trying.
I have been going to the famous spots on the chase for the last 2 months and not seen a dicky bird, I think its dead for chance meetings. All you get is cars with one bloke in driving in and out of the carparks and pretending they haven't been there before.
I was going to give up and take up knitting but after today I'll give it a bit longer.
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Knitting sounds good! Enjoy the game tomorrow and Happy Dogging!
Boing Boing (Apologies to none footie fans)
Quote by BrenZR
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Knitting sounds good! Enjoy the game tomorrow and Happy Dogging!
Boing Boing (Apologies to none footie fans)
Bren baggies fans...should that not be apologies to all real football fans !!!!
I mean two baggies fans over the chase....thats half the crowd from the bloody hawthorns !!! lol
Yes and the have the same thing in common meeting a woman and staying in the premiership---------------------DREAMING
Warming the Bed
As a regular couple to the chase, we must now confess we've had enough & no longer go. It was not just the boy racers, although last time out we did get surrounded by 8 cars then chased !!!!, but also, the some what very regular doggers who appeared every time we were there, & because they knew we had put on a show previously, hounded us, surrounded us, & even tried following us home !!! On the odd occasion we found a quite spot with a couple of respectful guys, it never took long for the others to find us. Such a shame, we've had some great times up there, but now give it a real wide berth.
Sorry about your problems up the chase Bridgette, was this a recent experience, unfortunately I think it is a sign of the times of doggers of today they think they have a right and they havent. They should treat all couples with the utmost respect and only get what they are offered not what they demand. Not making excuses for them but being a regular dogger up the chase for the past 3 years there seems to be a trend where when couples come to regular dogging sites they dont want anything to happen there and they encourage you to follow them to another secluded car park. As far as following you home that is absolutely appalling and you should have gone straight to the police station. I wish these idiots would just leave and stop getting us respectable, genuine doggers a bad name.
By the way Dean those 2 fans dogging on the chase should be down the Hawthorns not watching but playing they need all the help they can get. I shall look forward to West Brom playing Stoke next season.
Quote by Alan
By the way Dean those 2 fans dogging on the chase should be down the Hawthorns not watching but playing they need all the help they can get. I shall look forward to West Brom playing Stoke next season.

NOW NOW NOW, I know it must be hard to be so bad that you can't get out of the second division but theres no need to take it out on a PREMIERE team for it.
I can also understand you being annoyed that we have been given the go ahead to build the largest (Covered) Training ground in the country! You never finished the one you were building so you must still be using school pitches.
I can also understand the hurt the dingles must feel when we were given Academy Status, I don't recall yours? It must really hurt when your best two players consist of Ince who's about to get an OAP discount on his bus pass and Anderton............. Well, they don't call him Sicknote for nothing lol
On a more serious note, did you receive my PM a couple of days ago requesting a Mentor?
Quote by bridgette jones
As a regular couple to the chase, we must now confess we've had enough & no longer go. It was not just the boy racers, although last time out we did get surrounded by 8 cars then chased !!!!, but also, the some what very regular doggers who appeared every time we were there, & because they knew we had put on a show previously, hounded us, surrounded us, & even tried following us home !!! On the odd occasion we found a quite spot with a couple of respectful guys, it never took long for the others to find us. Such a shame, we've had some great times up there, but now give it a real wide berth.

and it's exactly the same reason we no longer use the area. at one point it was the best spot in the midlands, but in our humble opinion it is now nigh on the worst. nevermind. shame really, because there were some great people who used to go there, but they have all moved on nowadays to pastures greener.
I know the post took a tangent and full apologies for that but I feel bad for starting the thread. :cry:
I am a 26yr male from Wolverhampton and complete beginner. I am sure you can imagine that after getting absolutely nowhere around my area, coming accross the chase and lots of fellow doggers seemed great at the time.
Now after reading a few of your stories and experiences, I am really sorry to hear what has happened to you. There are always idiots that want to **** it up for everyone else.
If anyone can advise me of a place or area besides the chase but around Midlands, I would really appreciate it biggrin Feel free to PM or mail me.
Again, sorry to hear your unfortunate experiences!
So wheres good to go now then round there ? Were going the full length of the M6 to Lancaster on Monday and might want to stop on the way back for a rest wink
hey silky and big is still is just the main car parks that became known due to the Stan Collymore affair, are now full of chancers and boy racers. As we said before there are other quiet places around.....and best way is to pre-arrange a place...that way even if car park is full useless crap...thyen you can move to another more suitable place. the downside to that being you would only probably get that one person you invited viewing......anyway if you are thinking of stoping off our way...drop me a PM and maybe can introduce you to Bambi and Thumper !
Quote by Silk and Big G
So wheres good to go now then round there ? Were going the full length of the M6 to Lancaster on Monday and might want to stop on the way back for a rest wink

hiya Silk and Big G
Only a suggestion, but when you get to M6 J8, head down the M5 for a couple of miles...there's somewhere not far from the Albion stadium where you can apply an alternative interpretation to the term "boing boing" lol
Don't be fooled in thinking that Cannock Chase was a hot bed of sex, dogging and hundreds of couples before the famous Stan Collymore affair because it wasnt it was probably like every other site in the country sit wait and be patient. It has started to get back to normal now and fun is to be had if you are patient but like I have said before I think the trend now is to try and pre arrange meets but this is very hard for single male doggers to meet couples because there are so many of us. This also eliminates the chance of having an audience watching or joining in which is a lot of the thrill. Stop being doom and gloom merchants and lets all have fun I have been on certain car parks at night where there are doggers sitting waiting and there has been no sight of boy racers all night and has far has "chancers" mentioned by Dean in a previous post I thought that what dogging was all about sitting patiently and respectfully and taking your chance.
If you are meeting up guys, I would love to meet a couple of you so please give me a PM.
I know I am new to the group so I understand if you do not want to biggrin
Either way, have a good time!
P.S. Sorry about the mentor thing Alan, you were kind enough to offer me advise but it was someone else who offered to setup a mentor for me. I was tired when I posted and mixed the names up!
We're off......up north!
Wish us luck! LOL
Forum Virgin
We travelled the M6 overnight a couple of weeks ago, here is a hint: Park in the caravan areas of the service stations!!!
Quote by Silk and Big G
We're off......up north!
Wish us luck! LOL

Hi Silk and Big G
I hope you have a great time and i wish you good luck.
mikey55 biggrin
Having cruised the Chase for something like 11 years when it was only a cruising place gays the action was great, then the bi couples started to appear and this put the gays off so that they can only be found in one or two places nowadays so leaving most of the Chase to other people.
Once the bi and heterosexual couples started to take over that was fine until you got a certain footballer who was caught on the Chase with his pants down and since then it has gone down even more.
These days the Chase is patrolled by a lot more rangers and police, with the best parking sites having been locked so that no one can get in to have fun.
Speaking from experience most of the rangers that I know dont give a hoot what goes on and as far as the police they occasionally drive on the car parks but what can they do. You are sitting in a public car park minding your own business. The fun still goes on but you have to be just a little bit more discreet. There are very few car parks locked at night in fact I only know of one and I wouldn't want to go there anyway.
You can get a different story from each visitor to the Chase can't you?
Well from what I was told by my nephew who by the way is a ranger working for the Countryside Services and he said they have to lock diffrent gates on diffrent evenings and then contact the police to let them know which are locked.
Any police that visit the car parks at night also collect the registration numbers of all the cars that are parked in the car parks, this information came via a seniour police officer
Well all the car parks that I frequent have never been locked at night and yes the police do turn up occasionally mostly during the day and might take you but what are they going to do with it because the car parks are still used by a lot of innocent people for legitimate reasons. I know one of the rangers very well and there is only one that can be a bit of a pain but he has no power to do anything. The rest know what goes on and some actively talk to you about dogging and there experiences and some know all the couples that get up there.