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Channel 4 Documentary next week

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Hi all,
Read a big article in the Sunday Times about dogging in Thetford area and saw that there is a full on documentary on Channel 4 next Thursday.
Was purely wondering if any SH members were involved in the filming and interviews etc. and if so - if they had the chance to get any positive points across ??
Regardless of what points will be raised this programme will do nothing to help dogging or doggers. It will signal an influx of idiots and tourists.
Hope I will not be in the programme :twisted: .
This hobby is already shot to pieces without sentational TV programs to ruin it more..
Best as it was in the old days.. kept secret..
More numpties with main beam on driving into car parks who dont have a clue..
last thing we need is another program giving details of any places used.....will bring more idiots and boy racers with horns and headlights blaring
I agree completely with the last 2 comments "oh the good old days" lol
The making of this program is wrong! Simply wrong.
I am so disappointed.
they make these shows from what i can gather for 2 reasons, 1 is they have sod all else happening so this is made to try and keep the 'hype tv' going and/or some local politician or high paid cretin doesn't want this behaviour on his/her doorstep and has managed to convince someone to make a 'documentary' about it?!?!... either way its crap tv and considering how the country is being ripped off i think there are way more important things they could be reporting on. its just distraction tv sad
Whilst agreeing with most of the comments, as a community we do not help ourselves. We:-
Leave wipes and condoms around sites
Follow couples that are obviously there for the countryside and sometimes with their families ( this is daytime i am talking about)
To name but two of the problems. The above are from personal experience from the farm i work on. The fields finish next to a carpark well know for dogging her in Yorkshire.
It's only a small minority but it gives us all a bad name. We need to deal with it.
The gay community also do not help with their activities.
Just wasted 75 minutes watching the biggest load of crap ever. Nothing to do with real dogging at all (maybe that is a good thing though)
Agreed mate, did not see the point of it and not what i expected at all.
At least I know where I am going wrong now... I aint got a BIRDY WOLF mask..
Off to the joke shop tomorrow to procure one, of, joke shop or was this program was the biggest joke I have ever seen..
Whats door mice, otters, dear and other silly clips of night vision got to do with outdoor sex..
Complete rubbish, I should have gone out instead!!
so so wrong on every level....very little research done and based on assumptions ..maybe it will keep the knobs away though..
Totally agree what rubbish for an hour but we all watched it but i do agree with previous comment re not helping ourselves.
Rubbish condoms paper etc all left about day and night and wheres the DISCRETION gone??? guys just assume any couple is fair game and follow make themselves a nusaince and as for the gay guys who now believe there have the right too take over places and are above the law.
Be Discreet stop hassleing people and clear your rubbish and the complaints will stop or I`am i just talking rubbish lol
Thats was an incrediblky bad programme
I found it pretty depressing overall..... what a collection of half wits and fucked up people they found
I'm not a dogger myself but I thought the people in the programme had been chosen to give an overwhelmingly negative impression. All the women seemed to be victims in some way and the men were controlling or wimps. In clubs I have seen women really enjoying themselves with no evidence of coercion and I'm sure some doggers must be the same. Strange that there was no mention of the legal situation or possible problems such as disease or assault. Very badly made programme.
" Julie I don't feel comfortable with this,"
"Terry this is what doggings about"
Laughed my socks off last night, what a crock of shit.
Just watched it on iplayer, well most of it.
Was it a comedy or nature programme???
Was really badly made and so right, all either victims, wimps or controllers. Where were the "real normal" people?
i watched it what a load of rubbish, not at all real
Quote by Bowlerskip
...... Where were the "real normal" people?

The brief interview with the lorry driver seemed about the only real bit of the program.
It almost looked like C4 went out to make a surreal wild life program, and accidentally ran into some fucked up people..........
I was a bit upset by the programme actually because I have met that deer and she said I was the only one for her and she loved me lol actualy the programme was pants.
How lovely to see Otters and Red Squirrels though smile
As for the rest of it, Shame on you twats taking part. You really thought you were doing a good thing? You made yourselves look like sad wankers, and gave the world the impression that doggers are a irresponsible bunch of weirdos. They actually portrayed dogging as a disease or something. Dreadful.
i think robert 400 hit the nail on the head smile
It's not so bad.
Dogging is at its best, when it's our little secret.
Now that the whole country thinks that we're a bunch of sad, pathetic wierdos, the fact that we are the cream of society is our little secret again :-)