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Code of Conduct - your havin a laff !!!!! South Yorkshire

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Tonight I was told there was a code of conduct to be upheld to in order to frequent a well known dogging spot in Yorks otherwise you will be driven out..
Anyone else got an opinion on this?
I was under the assumption that the only real code of conduct in this kind of play are:
1) You do not make anyone feel pressured
2) You do no approach unless you are invited
3) You have condoms with you
4) You are all there for friendly fun which if it something you do not like, you keep your opinions to yourself and move on.
5) And finally that as consenting adults if everyone is happy with a situation and whats happening then as long as limits are stuck too, then anything goes?
I may have got it wrong tonight then being told that if you cannot behave by "our" interpretation of the 'code of conduct' then we will spread rumours and drive you out is total and utter bollox.
I find it amazing to overhear conversations of single males to couples sayin how thoughtless and irresponsible it is not to carry condoms. And then later seeing them fumbling and scratching in thier pockets before finally admitting they have not got any when it comes to the crunch. I have never left the house without condoms. rolleyes
Why should couples have to offer condoms to singles?
Why do doggers think its ok to turn up without basic protection ?
Especially to be told 'this is our patch' I find completly dumbfounding.. ITS A FREE COUNTRY !!! I have wheels and will roam this land wherever I feel..
As for spreading rumours.. We can all tell a story !!
As for falling out, quite frankly... Your problem, as I don't give a 'dam'
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