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I remember when i first come on to this site that there was a post by Jumo going around about "doggy bags" and what should be in them. I've always gone out with my "doggy bag", a packet of three, some wet wipes (may need a pee while waiting and i'd rather be clean afterwards!!), and a book to while away the time.
Mrs BB is ok with my lifestyle so dont have to worry about the comdoms with her (and we use them anyway), and if this guys without them care at all they should consider telling the Mrs she maybe interested in trying too!
Warming the Bed
Hi Guys, not been on a lot lately. There is a lot of talk about bring condoms, but nobody has mentioned taking them away again. Have seen too many sites littered with the things.
Have Fun!!
Warming the Bed
got the condoms...know how to put them on...what's missing?
ah yes...a willing female
(will keep trying!!!)
Warming the Bed
Quote by carparkfun need to get a life....

Actually, I think it's more about maintaining one.
Feel free to give yours up...
so u have meet Jomu then lol
Quote by clockwork_mango need to get a life....

Actually, I think it's more about maintaining one.
Feel free to give yours up...
so u have meet Jomu then lol
:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
Now i bolt and wait for the fall out. :scared:
So far I have never had sex with anyone other than my partner while out dogging, but still always take a couple of condoms "just in case" but really would expect the dogger to have them with him too (ok I never thought about the date thing either confused )
Sex God
I have to first confess to not having much experience dogging, but this thread brings to light what could be a terrible problem.
All this checking of use by dates, would surely spoil the moment?
Warming the Bed
Hi, just read all your views and it seems to me that the guy should wear 2 at once one of his and one of the yours that way you can both be sure lol
We always take and provide our own DUREX EXTRA SAFE and i regularly have a little feel to make sure the guy hasnt slipped it off, my hubby is also under strict orders to keep an eye out for any disappearing johnnies which he does willingly because he values my health and also his.
sorry but it had to be said.
Quote by leaire1

But for so many men this is where the brain is! lol
I must agree, with HIV and other STD's on the increase again (alleged via immigration depending where you read it) it is prudent to wear something on Mr. Penis.
I remember reading a reply (on a toilet wall mind redface) to an advert in the 80's that was part of the "don't die of ignorance" campaign, it said "well that's 99% of the population".
Looking at some of the ads regarding creampies and bareback sex one can't help but ask "is ignorance now a STD?" :cry:
However to counter, living in a liberal democracy (cough,cough) these people have the right to do as they want, but it is when they endanger others knowingly that it matters. just look at the case of the guy from Mitcham that was convicted for GB(ilogical)H under a 1861 law.

Of course the 1860's saw the introduction of the Contagious Diseases Act which of course was repealed 20 years later, however this was a states attempts to deal with STD's, but the onus of the problem was placed upon the women and not the men.

Sadly with dogging and swinging getting the rough end of the stick from the British Press at the moment, even to suggest unprotected sex would make any attempt to press charges against someone that knowlying gave you a STD almost impossible due to public bias to the lifestyle.
I think that all members involved in the act need to be fully informed so that they can except full responsibility for the conseqences of their actions, and if you dont want to know the persons sexual history then make Mr. Penis wear his wet suit, this way at least the pleasure outweights the dangers.
BB confused:
rant over rolleyes
Question: how do people feel about rubbers for oral? do i need to carry flavoured ones too?
Forum Virgin
If the female has the condom supply then she knows for her own safety that they are in full working order but if the man brings them how do you know?? and so on. so what do you do every one seems to spend so much time complaining about who should buy them but in the end you just have to trust the person your with or dont bother
Quote by jwtall20032
but in the end you just have to trust the person your with or dont bother

This is true and is the basis of good dogging, there has to be a level of trust, which is a possible reason why single or low posters don't get much luck?
Forum Virgin
please dont get me wrong but what has the amount you have postes got to do with this. i have seen people just put message after message just to get there daly post totals up
so what you are saying is that if i post twenty times a day you would trust me because that has got to be the most stupid thing i have ever heard of..
but if i have taken what you have said in you previous message all wrong please forgive me ...
Quote by jwtall20032
please dont get me wrong but what has the amount you have postes got to do with this. i have seen people just put message after message just to get there daly post totals up
so what you are saying is that if i post twenty times a day you would trust me because that has got to be the most stupid thing i have ever heard of..
but if i have taken what you have said in you previous message all wrong please forgive me ...

Ok, maybe i didnt put it the right way, what i was trying to say was in the form of a question(Hence the question mark) not a statement of fact. That a possible reason that single posters or constant "fancy a shag" poster dont get replys is that the regular posters don't trust their intentions. But if you were to post again and again with conversation and ideas it would increase the level of trust etc that others feel.
I am not making a statement or assumption, just a query.
Does that make more sense or clear it up???? confused:
I doubt BeeBeep is referring to you personally, he's making a general comment about why trust is such an issue between doggers.
With regard to the separate issue of post numbers each day, everyone could bump up their numbers but it won't make any difference unless they are interesting comments or questions that allow the writer to interact with other site users.....and someone can do that with one post each day just as effectively as another could do it ineffectively with 50 a day biggrin
Edit: BB beat me to it!
Forum Virgin
thanks for clearing sorry for the mistake no offence redface
and i know what you mean about "fancy a shag" posts anyway think im going off topic now so back to condoms
thanks jwtall
Quote by Serendipity
BB beat me

Oh how i wish!!! lol :lol: :lol:
P.S. I wear for the record!
Warming the Bed
Obviously not too many doggers have been boy scouts in their formative years.
Well if the guys aren't prepared to follow the boy scout's motto "Be prepared" they'll just have to be content with the women following the girl guide's motto "lend a hand" and not expect anything more. lol
He's funny, I like him already!
I prefer beavers
The uniforms seem so much better than when we were all kids as well !
Quote by Silk and Big G
I prefer beavers
The uniforms seem so much better than when we were all kids as well !

Sex God
I am not a dogger however, i still take my own condoms with me when going to partys
The reason, I take my own is that i want to be safe rather than sorry,
Quote by MikeC
I am not a dogger however, i still take my own condoms with me when going to partys
The reason, I take my own is that i want to be safe rather than sorry,

I remember once upon a time someone telling me that the leather of a wallet helps to break down the condom, is this correct, or an old wives tale?
But surely you wouldnt have the condom in direct contact with the wallet !
I know one thing, if i ever saw a condom pulled unwrapped from anywhere, it would never go anywhere near me !
Now having said this, I do wonder if any research has been put into the suitabilty of the wrapper?
Forum Virgin
I must admit that the one thing i have in my car is a packet of condoms. Needless to say i have never had chance to use them. Not found the correct situation yet. But i bought some a few months back and put them in the boot of my car under neath the carpet,(where the spare wheel goes). No one will ever see them there. Although remember to move them wHen you take your motor in for an MOT.
If anyone in the northwest would like to help me use them before the use by date though, please get in touch. Have fun guys.
Quote by brightongoblin
But surely you wouldnt have the condom in direct contact with the wallet !
Did a google and got this little gem from

Condoms safe in wallet?
Posted: Sep 21, 2000
Why shouldn't I carry a condom in a wallet? What effect does heat have on a condom?
A general rule of thumb: condoms should not be subjected to changes in temperature. It is best to store them in a cool place. Leaving a condom in sunlight, a wallet, or your car's glove compartment, will potentially weaken the latex. Condoms that are old (check the expiration date) or that have been stepped on, crushed, discolored, or washed with your laundry should be thrown out. You get the idea.
It's okay to put a condom in your pocket or wallet before going out. Just don't leave it in there for a long time. Manufacturers also make condom wallets or key chain condom holders that will provide more protection to the latex. Try visiting Condomania's website for some fun alternatives.

Does this help?
Very informative ! thanks....
So it would seem that the wrappers do not protect the condom from long term exposure to heat (as in a wallet in your pocket) and hence they may be unsafe to use.
Well , i guess i should 1) get a move on and use the darn thing or 2) hope they stop selling them in 3's and do packs of 1 !!!!
I think the upshot of all this is if you want to be safe, ensure your condom is used, but carry your own, dont expect others to. and Yes, its down to trust, if you dont trust the other party to have looked after the condom they want you to use, DONT use it, say goodbye !!
it is quite shocking really.
It then goes back to how confident you are that they came from somewhere trustworthy and not a vending machine that hasn't been used in 5 years. How can you be sure?? i dont think there is a sure fire way. scary!!!
Hey DirtyDoggers are you aware of what you have started here? what are you views on the conversation at the mo?
Quote by Hornyannmarie & Hubby
No Mate the way to get people to trust you is to stop posting other peoples photo's on your profile you disgusting little wanker!!! Please remove my photo from this idiots profile immediately!

This is just so awfull, how would you ever trust anyone who used your photo for reasons like this!
Annemarie, I really hope you get this sorted out but if nothing else, they always say imitation is the greatest form of flattery (think thats what they say).
Hugs hun,
I hope he didn't do that on purpose i.e. knowing it was you :shock: Probably lifted from another site, which is a bit less offensive I guess dunno
That's assuming that you're aware that your pics are on other sites Anne Marie??? if not, this guy should be letting you know where he got it pronto!