Quote by Serendipity
I hope he didn't do that on purpose i.e. knowing it was you :shock: Probably lifted from another site, which is a bit less offensive I guess
That's assuming that you're aware that your pics are on other sites Anne Marie??? if not, this guy should be letting you know where he got it pronto!
Hi Serendipidy I know what you mean, I just dont like some 25 year old kid in a sense posing as me. I am aware of lots of my pics posted on various sites all over the net mostly posted by me, but as you say a few that have been lifted and put else where thats something you have to put up with if you post on the net.
However unfortunately the Mod I complained to and sent other photo's from the same set has refused to do anything about it as in there words " It's not proof that they are YOUR photos though! Now don't get all angry
here but you have to look at our point of view. There are about 25 guys all
out there using the same body and cock shot and I'm sure that each would
claim it as theres.
Now that to me would be fine if indeed it were a body & cock shot, but I'm afraid when someone posts my pics showing MY FACE I want something done about it!
But thanks for the point of view!