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Controversial Question...........

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OK - I have donned my flak jacket and hard hat and await incoming artillery but I just have to ask this question......................
What is all the fuss about dogging? I mean what is it all about?
It just seems like a really dodgy and dangerous game with seemingly no reward at all for anyone involved.
Call us naive, but what is it all about?
For a single guy I imagine it is more boring than fishing just waiting, or driving around waiting for a glimpse of action. For a couple showing - do you open the doors and windows and allow participation? or is it through locked doors and windows?
It just all seems a bit strange to us when there are so many easier ways of actually seeing and being involved close up in sexual games without any element of danger.
It really does not float our boat at all, but we'd love to know what ardent doggers actually get out of it?
I might even open a pay per view car park !!!
we aren't ardent doggers but tried it few times around the mids,some people may find the element of danger a big turn on,having sex alfresco can be a huge turn on with the thought of being caught but now its so wide spread your almost guaranteed to be watched or get some involvement even, however what we've deduced is the majority of the "male doggers" seems to us are the guys who couldn't get a membership at a decent club or won't pay for that membership at a club.
Quote by Too Hot
It really does not float our boat at all,

The words Nail and Head spring to mind here. I'm not into dogging myself but I can see how it can be a turn on for lots of people. It's that element of exhibitionism/voyeurism together with the element of the danger of being caught that makes it exciting to people. I love car and outdoor fun ( though strictly for my own pleasure and not an audience ) but I realise even that isn't for some people the same as any 'fetish' activity isn't. Some people may look at swinging in the same way.
As you said, whatever floats your boat and isn't it nice we're not all the same? wink
Quote by Too Hot
OK - I have donned my flak jacket and hard hat and await incoming artillery but I just have to ask this question......................
What is all the fuss about dogging? I mean what is it all about?
It just seems like a really dodgy and dangerous game with seemingly no reward at all for anyone involved.
Call us naive, but what is it all about?
For a single guy I imagine it is more boring than fishing just waiting, or driving around waiting for a glimpse of action. For a couple showing - do you open the doors and windows and allow participation? or is it through locked doors and windows?
It just all seems a bit strange to us when there are so many easier ways of actually seeing and being involved close up in sexual games without any element of danger.
It really does not float our boat at all, but we'd love to know what ardent doggers actually get out of it?
I might even open a pay per view car park !!!

ok, you imagine it to be more boring than fishing? but fishing is one of the most popular pastimes in the uk :shock: wink
open windows, locked doors, on the picnic table or over the bonnet..whatever takes yer fancy :wink:
there are easier ways..big macs are considered easilly obtained also..quite popular i believe? lol
it can be dangerous, three years we have known of about four doggers and one couple being involved in road accidents..near our local spot there is a town..each and every saturday night, someone will be assulted, stabbed, glassed or worse...dogging is generally an alcohol free hobby..personally i wouldn't put my wife in a situation where danger was a high likelyhood..the perception of danger is what often gives the buzz, but it often just that, a perception :wink:
chances are, you are basing your notions of the game on posts in forums such as this..its not a reliable a newspaper and you'll be afraid to leave the house for a week, look at a forum that discusses your particular vehicle and you'll want to sell it and look at the customer comments book at a large supermarket and you'll never shop there again :lol: most couples do not use the internet, and dogg quite contentedly, ignorant of the perils and pitfalls :lol:
we have done the club thing..just as exhibitionists..we went into a room to do a show, half the male content of the club followed...five really really large ladies decided it would be an oppertune time to retreat to a room also, where they proceeded to shout really loudly..only when our audience had left us to see what amazing sexual antics were being performed in the other room were the girls content..we took a peek, as we had nothing else to do..some of the men had joined them......we thought..naa.. :lol: the smell was nausiating...if for only the fact that dogging is air conditioned, we'll stick with that option :lol: :lol:it all seemed so petty and attitude laden..but we're basing that opinion on three visits, you'll see it differently..
many guys do not want to put their details on a membership form..they might be married, or they might be of a certain "position or status" best concealed by the cloak of darkness..maybe they just like that scene..look at the cars in an average carpark used by doggers and you'll see they cross the status spectrum :wink:
Oh yeah, never thought of all that - gonna stop it now
It's about sex. Most things are.
I was sorta drifting in and out of a snooze (at about 2300z) last Sunday was warm...and the radio was gently humming away....a 4wd drove in and parked next to me, just in front of me was a car with two yobs in....they got fed-up and buggered off....the two in the 4wd seemed to be doing nothing, so snooze away...then a guy gently knocked on the window..." would you mind helping us"....ok, so it's good sam time...went around and noted the lady on her back with her dress around her waist....ok, so life is good....carried-on giving manual help while the lady gave her man oral help. Eventually she got up, got out the motor and her man started from behind, while I got the oral part....we'd all just finished when the "resident" drove in and parked next to them.....oh well, so life misses some out when the fun's being dished out !
Most times the waiting gets boring, so I'm thinking of a teach yourself Spanish'll be useful on the Costa-del-dogger next year....(what's the Spanish for "get the **** out, it's the law")
On the other hand I could always do my dogging on the beach at Brighton, my contact there tells me he just lies-down and watches the youngsters shagging and everyone's too hot to care !
Anyway, if you have to ask why people watch others having sex, you obviously are on the wrong website !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Jomu, I just love your posts, I have tears in my eyes imagining you sat in your car with the Spanish CD playing away!! You are getting as bad as Mr D with your tales lol
As for why people go dogging, its just like asking why someone likes swinging, or why someone likes sex! Everyone likes different things, and even though it is difficult to say exactly what the attraction is, for us it is the whole scenario, from getting ready, to the drive to the car park, the thrill of having sex in an open location (ok, so the car is not that open) not knowing for definate if someone will be around, and the thrill of being 'caught' being naughty!
Its very hard to say exactly which part of it gives the biggest buzz, but then again, if you ask any swinger what the buzz is, I doubt they would all be able to give you the same answer wink
hey, naughty..check this out..conversation with "harry jones" on saturday night..
dirty "hey, harry, you've met naughtywigan haven't you"?
harry "yes i have actually"
dirty "so, what was she like"?
harry "god, she is really attractive, quite stunning really"
ok, so its off topic, but how good does that make you feel? ...tiger lol
It makes me feel bloody good Mr D, but it cost me a fiver for him to say it wink (just think what he would have said for a tenner) :P
So, Mr D, did you get the "doggers guide" I pm'ed you ?
A 300K + pm.... !
its true wigan i was witness to what harry said lol mind u been witness to alot of what harry has said just lately pmsl......................anyway to the question in hand...............i agree with all that has been said by everyone apart from one thing has been missed out, there is also a social side to this dogging lark, ive met some very nice people out dogging and never played with them (cpls i add lol) also at these venues there are some great guys ...........YES!!! ..........GUYS!!! lol. everyone has there fetishes in this world. all the time ive been out ive never seen any dangerous situations yet apart from when they leave the carpark and a deer runs out infront of them. the reason i wont go to a swinging club is in my view they over charge the single male with an extortionate rate where as a cpl and single fem get charged a much smaller amount. also i live in the wilds of the fens and its bloody miles to a club lol..................anyway just my views on the topic biggrin
feel free to dish me :lol:
Have to agree with you singledogger. Met some absolutely great people out there and i know that others can come back and say that I can meet great people all over the place but at least being out there I know we have the same interests. As for danger, have to say i haven't really felt threatened anywhere even with 5 car loads of boy racers sat in front of my car. You can be threatened anywhere and I for one find it far more intimidating in a pub or club on a Saturday night than sat in a dark car park. I'm sure that toohot has interests that don't rock my boat but we're all different and thats what makes the world go round.
ermmmm no fuss ? we do it cos we like it , its that simple , wink we go out and usually end up having some annoymous fun and thats it its a buzz thing for us :P :P .
if we were all the same with regard to our like`s and dislikes this world would be pretty boring i reckon , there are things that we would not entertain sexually but other get a great deal of enjoyment out of , well thats fine if it shakes your tree then do it if it dont then do something else biggrin , as for the danger element as said before i would never expose my lovely lady to any kind of danger nor would i try to persuade her to do anything that she is not 100% comfortable with , as far as we are concerned if you apply some common sense to the situation its as safe as most other activities, we have all heard the horror stories but we think that most of it boils down to a tale losing nothing in the telling :wink: we have been doing it for a number of years and ok, once or twice maybe we have encountered the odd knobhead , but nothing that cant be dealt with :wink: , further more 99.9% of doggers are decent, genuine people and would not hesitate to help out if the need ever arose these are entirely our personal veiws , we apprieciate not everyone share`s the same opinions but, if you dont try something you will never know for sure will you :wink: :wink: :wink:
Quote by jomu
So, Mr D, did you get the "doggers guide" I pm'ed you ?
A 300K + pm.... !

i'm sorry for not having got back to you earlier jomu..bloody pc locked up twice last night, then again this answer to your question, yes i did get your pm containing the doggers guide, well, most of it anyway..i guess the file was too big for the message system to cope with, as it ran out of steam just south of cambridgeshire :cry: by the way, thanks to the other fella that sent me a message containing the same text..same amount too lol no worries though, i have recieved, by email, the full guide..when i access the link provided by the couple that sent it, so as to be able to open it, i'll be in business :lol: its too damn big for AOL apparently :lol:
People that like being watched-Exhibitionists.
Are watched by people who like watching-Voyeurs.
And there you have it.
I'm both & straight, so I join in when the lady so desires.
I enjoy sex.
If people ask where do you draw the line, I would say that for me, it's with consenting adults and I've never met a dogger who's any different.........some are Bi or Gay and they obviously indulge in watching or joining in with what turns them on.
Dead Simple Really and the only people that truly piss me off are those who spoil this harmless activity for others.
Please don't give me the line about offending the general public having sun's gone in by
Quote by Too Hot
What is all the fuss about dogging? I mean what is it all about?

People that like being watched-Exhibitionists.
Are watched by people who like watching-Voyeurs.
And there you have it.

Can't put it any better than that! lol
It just seems like a really dodgy and dangerous game with seemingly no reward at all for anyone involved.
With regard to reward, see above. There's a buzz in doing something that is still considered somewhat illicit and if you're lucky, you get to share that with a small number of other genuine people! It's no more dodgy or dangerous than swinging - possibly it's less so as swingers tend to share more personal info whereas dogging often has a much bigger element of anonymity, which we can maintain even when arranging meets!
For a single guy I imagine it is more boring than fishing just waiting, or driving around waiting for a glimpse of action.
I can't speak for the single guys but I can categorically state, having done both, that I would much rather be dogging than fishing! Besides, if you look in the Cafe, how often do you see swingers posting about timewasters and no shows? Dogging has the benefit of just showing up on the off chance that something will happen, you don't have to make arrangements!
For a couple showing - do you open the doors and windows and allow participation? or is it through locked doors and windows?
Depends, depends, depends! Doggers like variety too so that's kind of like asking "Do swingers adopt missionary of doggy position when swinging?" - there are many choices, many options, many types of exhibitionists and voyeurs smile
It just all seems a bit strange to us when there are so many easier ways of actually seeing and being involved close up in sexual games without any element of danger.
The element of danger as you perceive it is probably from the dogger bashing stories that the media loves so much - for us, the "danger" is the being caught part of it. That's not to say there aren't idiots out there but most doggers and couples are cautious and clued up about how to deal with that. Most stand an equal if not greater chance of being mugged or burgled as they do of running into trouble when out!
It really does not float our boat at all, but we'd love to know what ardent doggers actually
get out of it.
The same kind of enjoyment that others get through swinging or camming or phone sex I suppose! cool
I was out at my favourite spot last night, it was pretty busy with pesky mountain bikers and actual dog walkers :lol: but eventually those people disappear and a hush fell over the place - it's almost like an official handover from vanilla to dogger car park! Last night there were a couple of couples and a couple of doggers, interior lights flashed on and off, headlights flashed, things were happening and very few cars came or went - turned out to be a good night for the people there, except the guy in an MPV who obviously wanted to see something but didn't want to get out of his car! He drove off and came back about 45 mins later, having missed everything!
Not all evenings are like that, lots are totally the opposite - but the not knowing is part of the game! Now, after all of that waffle, I've realised that I can't explain it to you - you need to see for yourself or read some of the other threads on the subject in the past! wink
Quote by cockslut
however what we've deduced is the majority of the "male doggers" seems to us are the guys who couldn't get a membership at a decent club or won't pay for that membership at a club.

Just as a flipside to this - I wouldn't go to a swingers club, they don't really interest me as they often seem too contrived, too much of an "organised" way to have fun, too much about expectation and nothing to do with chance. Pretty much the opposite of dogging really - so perhaps the guys you think couldn't get a membership would never want one? lol
Quote by Serendipity
What is all the fuss about dogging? I mean what is it all about?

People that like being watched-Exhibitionists.
Are watched by people who like watching-Voyeurs.
And there you have it.

Can't put it any better than that! lol
It just seems like a really dodgy and dangerous game with seemingly no reward at all for anyone involved.
With regard to reward, see above. There's a buzz in doing something that is still considered somewhat illicit and if you're lucky, you get to share that with a small number of other genuine people! It's no more dodgy or dangerous than swinging - possibly it's less so as swingers tend to share more personal info whereas dogging often has a much bigger element of anonymity, which we can maintain even when arranging meets!
For a single guy I imagine it is more boring than fishing just waiting, or driving around waiting for a glimpse of action.
I can't speak for the single guys but I can categorically state, having done both, that I would much rather be dogging than fishing! Besides, if you look in the Cafe, how often do you see swingers posting about timewasters and no shows? Dogging has the benefit of just showing up on the off chance that something will happen, you don't have to make arrangements!
For a couple showing - do you open the doors and windows and allow participation? or is it through locked doors and windows?
Depends, depends, depends! Doggers like variety too so that's kind of like asking "Do swingers adopt missionary of doggy position when swinging?" - there are many choices, many options, many types of exhibitionists and voyeurs smile
It just all seems a bit strange to us when there are so many easier ways of actually seeing and being involved close up in sexual games without any element of danger.
The element of danger as you perceive it is probably from the dogger bashing stories that the media loves so much - for us, the "danger" is the being caught part of it. That's not to say there aren't idiots out there but most doggers and couples are cautious and clued up about how to deal with that. Most stand an equal if not greater chance of being mugged or burgled as they do of running into trouble when out!
It really does not float our boat at all, but we'd love to know what ardent doggers actually
get out of it.
The same kind of enjoyment that others get through swinging or camming or phone sex I suppose! cool
I was out at my favourite spot last night, it was pretty busy with pesky mountain bikers and actual dog walkers :lol: but eventually those people disappear and a hush fell over the place - it's almost like an official handover from vanilla to dogger car park! Last night there were a couple of couples and a couple of doggers, interior lights flashed on and off, headlights flashed, things were happening and very few cars came or went - turned out to be a good night for the people there, except the guy in an MPV who obviously wanted to see something but didn't want to get out of his car! He drove off and came back about 45 mins later, having missed everything!
Not all evenings are like that, lots are totally the opposite - but the not knowing is part of the game! Now, after all of that waffle, I've realised that I can't explain it to you - you need to see for yourself or read some of the other threads on the subject in the past! wink

Excellent posting :!: :!: :!:
Quote by Serendipity
however what we've deduced is the majority of the "male doggers" seems to us are the guys who couldn't get a membership at a decent club or won't pay for that membership at a club.

Just as a flipside to this - I wouldn't go to a swingers club, they don't really interest me as they often seem too contrived, too much of an "organised" way to have fun, too much about expectation and nothing to do with chance. Pretty much the opposite of dogging really - so perhaps the guys you think couldn't get a membership would never want one? lol :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :thumbup: :thumbup: we totally agree with you on that one serendipity bloody spot on wink
The only thing that puts me of dogging is the arseholes out to spoil it for people. The mindless morons in their kiddy on souped up cars running up and banging car windows or even running over the roofs and bonnets of peoples cars. Those are the ones that make it dangerous to partake in a harmless activity, and perhaps explains why dogging is dying in this part of Scotland.
Quote by master55
Excellent posting :!: :!: :!:

Bit of a whopper wasn't it? I think I must have been channeling Uncle Dirty lol
naa, i can't do the long ones anymore :cry: i'm a finger typer lol in my panic to get a post finished before the gong, it inevitably goes to pieces :cry: the big uns were crap too, but even i can't make head nor tale of my short and to the point ones :lol: redface jomu's "herts" posting was poetic, your's, on this thread was enlightening..mine just comes across as "stoutist" :lol: it wasn't ever meant to be like that :lol:
Quote by dirtydoggers
naa, i can't do the long ones anymore :cry: i'm a finger typer lol in my panic to get a post finished before the gong, it inevitably goes to pieces :cry: the big uns were crap too, but even i can't make head nor tale of my short and to the point ones :lol: redface jomu's "herts" posting was poetic, your's, on this thread was enlightening..mine just comes across as "stoutist" :lol: it wasn't ever meant to be like that :lol:

No it wasn't, I don't do enlightening, that's your bloody job! For gawds sake Unc, we'll break out an emergency pie, get you sorted and then we demand anoher opus in 24 minutes or less! :lol:
ahh, i was gonna go to my favourite place today..visit the pie shop, then stroll along the river..did'nt get up until midday though :shock: still felt like shit, which is unusual for me, as i normally prefer a cooked brekkie on a sunday..
all a bit bizzare last night wink dogging wasn't on our agenda at all..but as we were pulling out of my mum's drive, i got a text from "the master"..he wasn't at the regular haunt, but was checking out a little carpark not far from where we moment later, we'd have been homebound, but instead, we decided to drive over to his new found location..
anddddd...we got a show :shock: most of the readers will be thinking "yeah, fuck off just happens too regularly, now you are just taking the piss" :cry: ok..say what you like..we got a show..girl in her 20's, fella with a cock like a blind cobbler's thumb..fantastic shagging session..just mrs dirty, the master and one other perv..beautifull location too, just perfect...don't ya just luv nights like that?
word is, "the master" went on to the regular a shag, and later, from a different lass..a gobble..yeah, this dogging game is dead on its arse ain't it? lol :lol:..oops, just re-read my texts, just to make sure i'd got it right..seems like the shag was promised, but not delivered..the fun was scuppered by too many fellas approaching..ah well..nearly! :lol: i was wondering how he'd managed to "cum" twice in one night :shock: i've not been able to pull a stunt like that for a few years, i can tell ya redface :lol:
Quote by dirtydoggers
fella with a cock like a blind cobbler's thumb..
word is, "the master" went on to the regular a shag, and later, from a different lass..a gobble..yeah, this dogging game is dead on its arse ain't it? lol :lol:..oops, just re-read my texts, just to make sure i'd got it right..seems like the shag was promised, but not delivered..the fun was scuppered by too many fellas approaching..ah well..nearly! :lol: i was wondering how he'd managed to "cum" twice in one night :shock: i've not been able to pull a stunt like that for a few years, i can tell ya redface :lol:

Blind cobblers thumb I'm laughing soo hard here it hurts.
I can vouch for the masters fine efforts last night, shame I missed you but I didn't arrive till 0042 and stayed till 0322.
I was on my way to post a very amusing story from last night when I found this, watch out for it coming up soon.
Harry Jones
you didn't miss us harry mate...we weren't out at the regular site last night..we rendevoused with "t'master" at a secret location wink just after the diving competition between germany and portugal...the lad starts early, and will often have an average dogger's lifetimes worth of action before even getting to the well known sites for a guaranteed liposuction conclusion to a day's perversion...sort of like the compulsory kebab after a night on the razzle lol
i'm bracing myself for your story mate, as i kinda feel i know where its going redface :lol:
Quote by dirtydoggers
you didn't miss us harry mate...we weren't out at the regular site last night..we rendevoused with "t'master" at a secret location wink just after the diving competition between germany and portugal...the lad starts early, and will often have an average dogger's lifetimes worth of action before even getting to the well known sites for a guaranteed liposuction conclusion to a day's perversion...sort of like the compulsory kebab after a night on the razzle lol
i'm bracing myself for your story mate, as i kinda feel i know where its going redface :lol:

I have posted the funny one now off for a more serious one.
Harry Jones
Quote by master55
What is all the fuss about dogging? I mean what is it all about?

People that like being watched-Exhibitionists.
Are watched by people who like watching-Voyeurs.
And there you have it.

Can't put it any better than that! lol
It just seems like a really dodgy and dangerous game with seemingly no reward at all for anyone involved.
With regard to reward, see above. There's a buzz in doing something that is still considered somewhat illicit and if you're lucky, you get to share that with a small number of other genuine people! It's no more dodgy or dangerous than swinging - possibly it's less so as swingers tend to share more personal info whereas dogging often has a much bigger element of anonymity, which we can maintain even when arranging meets!
For a single guy I imagine it is more boring than fishing just waiting, or driving around waiting for a glimpse of action.
I can't speak for the single guys but I can categorically state, having done both, that I would much rather be dogging than fishing! Besides, if you look in the Cafe, how often do you see swingers posting about timewasters and no shows? Dogging has the benefit of just showing up on the off chance that something will happen, you don't have to make arrangements!
For a couple showing - do you open the doors and windows and allow participation? or is it through locked doors and windows?
Depends, depends, depends! Doggers like variety too so that's kind of like asking "Do swingers adopt missionary of doggy position when swinging?" - there are many choices, many options, many types of exhibitionists and voyeurs smile
It just all seems a bit strange to us when there are so many easier ways of actually seeing and being involved close up in sexual games without any element of danger.
The element of danger as you perceive it is probably from the dogger bashing stories that the media loves so much - for us, the "danger" is the being caught part of it. That's not to say there aren't idiots out there but most doggers and couples are cautious and clued up about how to deal with that. Most stand an equal if not greater chance of being mugged or burgled as they do of running into trouble when out!
It really does not float our boat at all, but we'd love to know what ardent doggers actually
get out of it.
The same kind of enjoyment that others get through swinging or camming or phone sex I suppose! cool
I was out at my favourite spot last night, it was pretty busy with pesky mountain bikers and actual dog walkers :lol: but eventually those people disappear and a hush fell over the place - it's almost like an official handover from vanilla to dogger car park! Last night there were a couple of couples and a couple of doggers, interior lights flashed on and off, headlights flashed, things were happening and very few cars came or went - turned out to be a good night for the people there, except the guy in an MPV who obviously wanted to see something but didn't want to get out of his car! He drove off and came back about 45 mins later, having missed everything!
Not all evenings are like that, lots are totally the opposite - but the not knowing is part of the game! Now, after all of that waffle, I've realised that I can't explain it to you - you need to see for yourself or read some of the other threads on the subject in the past! wink

Excellent posting :!: :!: :!:
How can Swinging be more dangerous than dogging??
Look at the sticky at the top of this page - 13 pages of WARNINGS
The safest way to involve others is in a secure Club environment, followed by a private meet (in a public place).
Most doggers appear to be frustrated married men who haven't the balls or decency to be honest with their Partner/wife about their fantasies and desires - mind you that is the problem with our country generally - too little honesty and too many two faced and hypocritical people starting at the very top
OK time for a bit of honesty from us - well me at the moment.
Before we knew what dogging was we would go 'out' to escape from the kids and have some 'noisy' and liberated sex with each other.
One evening in a new car park which we had not been to before we were surrounded by a leering mob of guys - and I mean a mob. We drove off quickly and went to a pub nearby to compose ourselves only to find that two cars had followed us and they guys inside felt it reasonable to ask Mrs Hot to expose herself to them and generally pass obnoxious comment.
This was our unintentional introduction to dogging and came about as a result of just doing what I did when I was a teenager with my girlfriend and I never for one second expected to be harassed by people during our intimate moments. We have never been out in the car again to do this because it shook us up so much.
It was a very, very scary experience and resulted in us taking a ten mile detour home to make sure we were not being followed.
By the way - we are not a pair of shy, shrinking violets - we play around and we are not easily shocked.