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cpls or males in the kent area

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11 replies
5 watchers
just bein nosey now!
how many ppl on here r from the kent area?
I've seen a few posts bout doggin in kent & just wondered who would b interested in a meet? obviously not arranged on the board but if u let me no if ur in kent then I'll pm u & let u no when we r available!
my hubby also wants 2 video any encounters we have 4 our own private use at home (4when we cant get out :cry: ) I just thought I'd mention this so u no we r afta him watchin me with males (& females wink ) as he doesnt want 2 join in just video & watch!
Well I am in kent...and experienced some encounter! biggrin and also seen a lot of "people" just siitung in cars waiting for something to one making the first move ect!! wink I have sent you PM....
Have fun......
Sorry, to excited for some reason and having a lot of finger trouble on the keyboard! rolleyes with the above message...
Hi, Sorry I am not ignoring you..just noticed that I have pm's just sitting in my out box not going anywhere... If you feel like chatting this evening or email is - Have fun.... biggrin
Hi we are in the kent area. We have sent you a PM naughtykentcouple biggrin
Yes there are fellow kent doggers here, ready willing and more than able :twisted: plus I am not at all camera shy.
Out tonight for some fun actually!!!
You have PM name and nature 69position you know from post.......i'm ready and willing if you are!
I've sent you a pm
The LoveBug
.... 69position
I'm from North Kent and would be up for a meet . I'm new to all this so not too sure of the prtocol.
PM sent - Im sure youll find lots of helping hands in Kent
Hi Naughty Kent Couple, count me in too!!! lol . Great to see all the Kent people coming out to play( its about time!). Could you please PM me if you out & about