I'd like to meet anywhere arond the B S E area's not sure how to go about it i know where but not sure who to approach.
Can anyone advise please.(wife wont even try it so please DONT ask thanks)
Hi Harry thanks for that mate there is hope then at 50 something youd think id have tried the lot but no! theres a lot i want to try just dont want to upset anyone LOL thanks,
And bye the way i see you like water sports well when i was out walking (innocently) I was sitting having a drink when a car stopped and young woman got out for a pee she didnt see me and i was scared she might see me,
i was embaressed but what a hard on i got and its still something i like LOL maggie would kill me if she knew she has limits unlike me i like ALL porn and love to see pics of girls peeing,
i also thought it didnt happen ,till last thursday,pulled in layby near another parked car in a gateway, lady completely naked bold as brass chap playing with her. opened door i had play, i was gobsmacked!. this was at 12 midday
Its giving me more confidence and heart just need the luck now i can only dream of finding such a couple
Thanks but yes it is a pain but I do understand what youre saying Id die if caught by a kid you ave fun take care love the website nice pics xx