Shame, such a nice mouth.
What "flavour" wipes ?
Maccy-D cucumber ?
Or baby-bum wipes ? (Johnsons....)
I'll avoid the antiseptic wipes from hospitals...I'm too old to be running around woods trying to cool my dick...
hey lisse, surely its a bit rude not to clean ya soldier before you put it in a girls mouth!
Any guy that needs to be told this doesn't deserve to have any fun but alas there are lots of them.
The ladies, well at least most of them, go there smelling sweet and a lot of the guys don't even have the sense to have a wash before they go, not all but a lot.
So come on guys, if you want fun think of the lady, at the end of the day it is they who are in control.
Fair point, Lissa...
There's nothing so off putting as a rancid dick shoved in your face.
When I go out, I take my 'Doggie Bag' which includes wetwipes, mouthwash, a small bottle of tap water, dry tissues and a copy of Harry Potter (just so that I look stylish 8) )