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Me and my partner stoped at a well known dogging place in ESSEX lastnight, and it really winds me me that:
one no longer waits for a sign or signal to come over!
9 blokes croded round the car at once!
3. You were talking to eachother RATHER LOUDLY!
4. One u muppets CUM ON MY CAR! u ever heard of tissue!
In the end we gave up due to these PRATS! we ended going home and a damn good shag there lol
This is why I think people need a bit more guidance on what is or isn't acceptable when they go dogging. See my dogging 10 commandments post.
Come over to surrey or kent we're a much more considerate bunch. I'll even show you around smile
its not just essex its all over we are in the south west
and its like that most of the time there are few doggers
around its mostly lorry drivers and opertunists who dont
read this forum.
one of my favorite lines is
"your invisible coat has a flat battery"
but you could us it 50 times some nights
where have the good doggers gone!
are they as pissed off as we are?
This is one of the reasons why I have given up on dogging all together. mad
Too many idiots, then this is compounded by harrasment from the boys in blue who really ought to have higher priorites than to chase round after doggers and motorists.
Quote by simon.r
its not just essex its all over we are in the south west
and its like that most of the time there are few doggers
around its mostly lorry drivers and opertunists who dont
read this forum.
one of my favorite lines is
"your invisible coat has a flat battery"
but you could us it 50 times some nights
where have the good doggers gone!
are they as pissed off as we are?
I'm a truck driver and I DO read and participate in the forum and yes I go dogging with my gf and when I'm on my own I pull blokes! :twisted:
There are a number of active truck drivers and some coach drivers on here.
Let's not get back to generalisations eh? There's been enough of that in another thread! wink
without getting back into the old slanging match about truckers
some of us are respectful and clean ,some of us even take our g,fs and wives out with us at weekend we know what your uop against
please dont tar us all with the same brush
alan rach (truck driver and dogging cpl)
"your invisible coat has a flat battery"
but you could us it 50 times some nights
where have the good doggers gone!
are they as pissed off as we are?
In answer to your question ,yes, there are still"good" doggers around but the idiots are spoiling it for all, doggers and cpls.
Still I persevere (dedicated to my sport lol ) in the hope cpls will notice the polite guys who just wanna watch and the idiots will loose out
Stereotyping lorry drivers for rude behaviour is unfair. I suspect the problem is there has been a lot of publicity about dogging and everyone knows now what it is, but they have not had enough experience to know how to go about it.
And as for dogging in Kent or Surrey, you can show me round Mr Ben, especially if you can show me where I can dog willing exhibitionist couples who make it clear what they want, free of boy racers, stone-throwing gangs, boys (and girls) in blue and rude doggers who crowd round and scare couples off.
I'll PM you about that.
Cheers :P
i know good sites that are cool....write to me couples etc/essex area
The reason they've got no manners is because he who waits, gets fuck-all.
The reason they drive about lights blazing, is because everyone else does.
The reason the police "harass" motorists is because 3000+ people are killed in accidents every year.
The reason they "harass" doggers, gays and other layby layabouts, is because in the morning someone has to clean-up the cum-filled rubbers (and shit covered in many cases) and tissues. Many laying all around picnic tables and play areas.
I've been "in the game" for over 30 years.....even I'm fed up with the attitude and general lack of interest in cleaning your shite up, and respecting the fact that ORDINARY PEOPLE HAVE A RIGHT TO USE FACILITIES WITHOUT THEIR KIDS WANDERING OVER TRYING TO BLOW UP THE BALLON THEY FOUND.
You think people don't notice if you drive in and out all night ?
Next thing we'll have people beating each other's no wonder the couples stay in and shag at home now...
I had a word with a van driver from herts tonight....he'd been driving up and down a dozen times...each time turning round by doing a 360 on a dual carriageway...there was only me and two lorries there....what for ?
You are right Jumo, i think that i have found the answer. If everyone did this then i think it would be ok

BB :twisted:
Quote by beebeep
You are right Jumo, i think that i have found the answer. If everyone did this then i think it would be ok

BB :twisted:

Very funny Beepbeep lol
i was highly amused, hehe. I got your email the other day will drop you line when i am going. Maybe awhile though :cry: