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doggin in leicester dose it happen lol

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looking for real meets in leicster friday night couples or single females get in touch and lets have some fun well only put this on to see if there was any on in leicester still doing it and what lot of reply not thanks any way wont bother again as it never seems to happen and will save my self a lot of fuel going to places where the only people that turn up is the boy racers or the police
Moderator has removed exact location details. Please don't name places in your post, it will attract the police or boy racers and ruin the fun of the genuine doggers rolleyes
just b careful cus the police r around a lot at the moment moving ppl on !!!
I do appologise - it was my first post here...... Thoughtlessness on my part!
The location I named is in fact listed on the dogging sites section
So are the sites featured in this website....posted on here a week ago:
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Doggin in Leicester does it happen?
Well it was last night. innocent
We used to go out around Leicester reasonably frequently but when the police and boy-racers started turning up more often than other guys/couples, S and I got a bit spooked and we've pretty much given up now.
Yes.... and there did seem to be quite a bit going on last night from my viewpoint - but then I guess not everyone wants to watch same-sex frolics redface
Quote by Kiss
Doggin in Leicester does it happen?
Well it was last night. innocent

you mean i missed it
Quote by felixx1416
Doggin in Leicester does it happen?
Well it was last night. innocent

you mean i missed it
Too short to see in the windows hey? :grin:
You should carry a beanbag or something around with you lol
Yeah there did seem to be quite a lot going on last night till two boy racers turned up at the location I shall refer to as carpark X....
If brake lights while stationary is GAY and headlights is Straight, follow me seems to be car moving and taps brake pedal, what is indicators/hazard lights?
Whilst I'm in question mood (I'm obviously totally new at this), I have a few more:
Is there a general time when it starts/dies off?
Is one night better than another?
Is it expected that couple (straight in my case) do stuff or are people happy with us just watching?
I'll post more in due course!
One more - can anyone send me VIA PM any locations within a few miles of Melton Mowbray? The one listed on this site seems to be inactive
Quote by puggtiracer
If brake lights while stationary is GAY and headlights is Straight, follow me seems to be car moving and taps brake pedal, what is indicators/hazard lights?

Funny that.... I thought they all meant the same thing "I am trying to get your attention" confused
Quote by PoloLady
Doggin in Leicester does it happen?
Well it was last night. innocent

you mean i missed it
Too short to see in the windows hey? :grin:
You should carry a beanbag or something around with you lol
Tell me when and where and i'll bring the step ladder :grin:
Quote by PoloLady

If brake lights while stationary is GAY and headlights is Straight, follow me seems to be car moving and taps brake pedal, what is indicators/hazard lights?

Funny that.... I thought they all meant the same thing "I am trying to get your attention" confused
Or that the kids have a found a new way of trying to wind up the local doggers rolleyes
Puggtiracer, the lights mean nothing, except for what Polo refered to above.
Quote by puggtiracer
If brake lights while stationary is GAY and headlights is Straight, follow me seems to be car moving and taps brake pedal, what is indicators/hazard lights?

Amber lights on the four coners of the car which indicates direction of travell or that you have broken down :giggle:
Quote by puggtiracer
If brake lights while stationary is GAY and headlights is Straight, follow me seems to be car moving and taps brake pedal, what is indicators/hazard lights?

I find signals mean different things to different people so I pay them little attention.
Quote by Kiss
If brake lights while stationary is GAY and headlights is Straight, follow me seems to be car moving and taps brake pedal, what is indicators/hazard lights?

I find signals mean different things to different people so I pay them little attention.
We just found that out as well last night confused
Still, it was giggle if nothing else lol
Quote by the_Laird
If brake lights while stationary is GAY and headlights is Straight, follow me seems to be car moving and taps brake pedal, what is indicators/hazard lights?

I find signals mean different things to different people so I pay them little attention.
We just found that out as well last night confused
Still, it was giggle if nothing else lol
I can't believe the bottle of some chaps. I don't think I could walk 100 ft up to a strange car and peer in! :scared:
I hope you both had fun though.
Quote by Kiss
I can't believe the bottle of some chaps. I don't think I could walk 100 ft up to a strange car and peer in! :scared:

It was actually vergeing on intimidating tbh.
With cars coming right up to us and facing in the window, actually parking within a foot of the vehicle pointing in to us despite the fact we hadn't indicated anything to anyone. (May have been the fact there were two girls in the back seat and only me in the front mind you wink )
And when we reckoned they were all starting to be a wee bit ott and we drove off we then had a convoy of cars and a van follow us for some considerable distance.
Like I said, could be very intimidating indeed.
We only went to watch as well confused
Quote by Kiss
I hope you both had fun though.

Yep, all three of us did :wink:
I like to stay away from the 'convoy carparks' with the packs of peepers - some of the quieter spots actually have much more action as the 'doers' are not scared off by the volume of watchers.
But even there you can confuse people when they only see two women in a car confused
Now I'm confused because I thought the lights actually meant something!
Perhaps someone would be so kind as to PM me some locations around North Leics? We are Melton based but, as is ESSENTIAL in this hobby, we have a car and can therefor travel.
My Mrs, 27/BBW, seemed to find it all rather interesting on Friday night. She's expressed an interest in being bi before. Maybe if she was to see some FF action it might make up her mind? My mind is firmly made up, however! biggrin
iv never been over melton way, normally stay over in the more well known areas for dogging in leicestershire
the police and boy racers do spoil it though but we normally go hav a look in main places then go to quieter spots for fun
there is regulars that we know now and we al warn each other of any problems about that nite !
If you were in the Melton area site Puggtiracer you might of just missed us or us you :!: :!: as we approched someone was just leaving :cry:
Quote by PoloLady
But even there you can confuse people when they only see two women in a car confused

I wouldn't say their expressions were confused as such.... more like "Oh my God it's bloody Christmas!!".
Quote by Kiss
But even there you can confuse people when they only see two women in a car confused

I wouldn't say their expressions were confused as such.... more like "Oh my God it's bloody Christmas!!".
Yep, exactly that :shock:
pm me for great new sites nr melton and around leicestershire
Quote by Kiss
But even there you can confuse people when they only see two women in a car confused

I wouldn't say their expressions were confused as such.... more like "Oh my God it's bloody Christmas!!".
No, not Christmas.
A bit like St Peter saying to a dogger, waiting at the pearly gates, "the only place you can be sent to, bearing in mind your multiple sins, is a subset of hell where the women only have sex with other women".
After Peter gets off the floor, cheeks still smarting from the death of a hundred kisses (no joke), he would see the errant dogger trying to beat the door to hell open.
I'd be more likely to be in a state of shock since this never happens to me! Although my ex (who comes watching with me/shags my brains out at every opportunity) has expressed bi tendancies and is open to a threesome. She's not keen on being watched yet but who knows?