bloomin joke
seems its 80 percent wind up ..and 20 percent maybe ..very few real ones out there and most want a couple .. this is my very last attempt at getting together with peeps .. dont want to join a group or chit chat idly away for weeks to women who are really balding idiots THATS IT
If it all comes too easy its probably not what you want.......applies to most things in life.
Look at this guy's nickname..........he moans that people want couples...........hmmmmmm....does he intend that other people watch him jack off? If so, it's not surprising he gets no takers. Went out with my partner last night, just us as a couple and 6 single blokes......all had a great time.....this chap is a prat.
Er.. excuse me!
thats me being polite ! ... and if this is supposed to be a "free" forum ..i.e where everyone gets a chance to voice opinions and such , then why is everyone getting soo upset . with regards to "patience and politeness" It cant just be about the men having to bow down on their knees and creep so that they get an invite?.. If it is ..i'm not interested . Personally I was looking for real people to meet where meet" was the key word . Not to spend my day whittling away about how wonderful everyone is or how lucky people are to have that particular woman as their wife . I'm a realist .. not a sycophant ! .
and as for the person who suggested the mirror ?.. thanks but I think it would probably take to long for me to wait to use it before you finished admiring yourself in it !
"Free speech"?? ..PAH !
Apologies to moderator. Should not have blown my stack. As the male half of a couple that enjoys both dogging and swinging, I get a little uptight sometimes as there are a lot of blokes out there who think that the women should be greatful to accept the bounty on offer. This guy represents the type of idiot that is starting to ruin the sceenefor everyone.
Right ..well
at least I got a reaction!
and clearly there are those of you out there who do enjoy the pastime ..obviously
but to be totally honest life is abit short for all the cat and mouse stuff that goes on , the liars, the cheats, the dont turn up types , the men pretending to be women etc etc etc and all the guys who prob feel the same way but dare not mention it ..just incase they loose out on the action .
So as you can imagine I dont think this forum is for me anymore .. although i must say most of you have voiced a "sensible" opinion .. but i do object to being called a PRAT so big round hairy dangly ones to the person who said that ( incidentally i'm happy to discuss that issue with the relevant person off forum should they feel brave enough to back up their outburst!)
as for the rest of you good luck and all that ..
bit dissapointed .. but thems the breaks ..