Can somebody explain exactly where doggers stand as regards the law?. The reason I ask is that some weeks ago I was sitting in a carpark at about in the evening along with a lot of other people all waiting and hoping for some action (surprise surprise there wasn't any of course!) and a police car drives into the carpark. Being very new to all this I panicked a bit and quickly drove out, every since then I always feel a bit uneasy and guilty when I go out. Can you really get into trouble with the police for just sitting in your car at night in a carpark in a country park?
The short answer is, no.
However, failing to move away if told to do so can lead to problems.
Dogging, as in the modern dogging, consentual watching that is, is sorta legal(ish) in that the new sexual offences act makes voyeurism illegal (watching without the other parties knowing) (as long as you are getting sexual gratification from it) but voyeurism if the parties KNOW you're watching and don't mind could be defined as "legal"
However, none of this has been tried in court yet. And there are still the myriad of other criminal acts and public order offences to consider.
The other thing to consider is this: If they don't catch you, you're not breaking the law !
Many people are prosecuted simply because they "held their hands up". Stupid.
The police can stop and search you or your vehicle without arresting you, they MUST show you id and tell you who they are and why they want to search you.
If you DO get arrested, keep your mouth shut and just give your name, address and DoB.
You'll need a solicitor, or some legal representation. Don't volunteer any info except your name and address. Don't REFUSE to answer questions , but don't volunteer info. The courts can interpret a "suspects" refusal to answer questions as an indication that they were doing something wrong.
Ask for a written search record
Make a note of the officer/s name/s and shoulder number/s
Ask why, the police must tell you this.
You are required to gve the police your correct name, address and DoB.
If questioned, ask for a solicitor and don't answer anything without one being present.
Until you see a solicitor DO NOT make or sign any written statement or any notebook.
DO NOT plead guilty to any charges. DO NOT accept any caution or warning.
This is all unlikely to happen, you don't need to fuss. You only stopped for a rest because you felt tired and you were only chilling to the sounds anyway. If push comes to shove, say you're gay !
Be nice, the police are there to uphold the law, and they're nice guys anyway. Even if they arrest you, they are only doing the job YOU pay them for. If you're polite to them. they'll be the same to you. Maybe.
You can take it as gospel that standing around with your dangly-bits showing would be interpreted as some sort of exposure, probably indecent. If you're not well endowed you may be arrested for causing laughter with intent.
So, you're walking about and suddenly lights go on and you're standing in the middle of a car park.
Now, tell me this honestly, you're not thinking of saying that you were looking for a car with a couple having sex in it, are you ?
Your mother taught you that telling lies was bad ?
Well, she was right.
But she wasn't standing in the middle of a dark car park with loads of law about, was she . She may have had something to add to that if she had been.
Hint: carry a toilet roll with you (the flat packs fit in a pocket), then you can say you're going for a dump.
Either that or you're looking for a shag and you heard there were a few loose women about.
You ARE NOT going to say you're dogging...saying you're an escaped headcase is a better option.
Most law just want an easy hassle, no smart assholes making aggro, no insults and no mister know-alls.