Yes I have views on this, in fact it is a soapbox topic for me!
I totally agree that those who do not give couples time to relax and get comfortable with the situation are a real nuisance. I think most of them are not really doggers but people looking for a quickie.
I know this may sound a little strange but a big part of the thrill of dogging for me is the anticipation and yes the waiting!. The "are they or are they not feelings" the waiting for the signal, the nervousness on the approach etc.
It is totally ruined when you have been taking your time sussing it out and giving a coulpe time and space for some moron to come into the car park lights blazing and park so close the couple could polish his car without moving. Not only is disrespectful tothe couple but also the patient doggers who have given the space.
As for the situation where the car park is busy with doggers before you arrive that is only slighhtly more tricky, I think it can be quite intimidating even if everyone gives you space and time. However, it is still basic etiquette to give you that time.
Then there is the situation where a couple may drive off and realise that they have suddenly become the pied piper and have a procession behind them.
THankfully I have seen all of these a lot less of late but maybe I am mellowing in my old age.
Sorry to rant but I think the genuine doggers feel the same as you, as quite simply if its ruinedfor you its ruined for us.
Hope you have more fun soon
Thats very kind of you stenrachy.
The clamour in the crowd always smacks of desperation and I have always thought that dogging is by its very nature so random that is should be the last thing prescribed for desperation.
I promise I will shut up now.
we have just posted a reply in (why do men spoil it for themselfs)but again we agree with you,we have stopped dogging because of this childish behaviour.
Isnt a clamouring crowd part of the fun ?? I mean I understand that its bad if the guys behave badly , but It always strikes me as odd when people complain about only wanting one polite dogger , then arrange meets with someone they have 'got to know' . Why not just meet them in a hotel or at home and leave the dogging to people who want the thrill and the excitement of not knowing exactly what will happen ?
Oh im with you there guys . We arent disagreeing at all with that . Its all about personal preference . However what we see here all too often is people moaning and complaining about all the things that make dogging what it is . The spontaneous elements , the unexpected the fact that its dirty and sometimes tacky and that its strangers who you cannot predict . What I was suggesting is that it is pointless taking part in something and then trying to change it with rules and regulations into what you want it to be - that simply makes it something else . Dogging is what it is .........always will be , and no amount of rules or moaning or organising will make it into anything else . So the answer I guess is , if some couples dont like it , then they should try something they do like , exercising their right to personal choice .