was thinking of forming a display team to do the round of county shows next toying with the title "pink helmets"?...we would have a guy on the microphone,running the audience through techniques,such as "piking" a car the display would go as follows:...car enters arena,stops in doggers approach from rear,proceed to masturbate by window,"ladies and gentlemen,if we can draw your attention to the left,you will notice a main beamer has entered the arena,notice how the doggers disperse",moments later,the couple wheelspin to the exit to a shout of,"ladies and gentlemen,the pink helmets",...bloody hell guys,we could have a big trailer and stuff,go international,take on the germans,i'm getting excited,any candidates?...we could have one of those stalls,get some of the babes off the forum to bare their tits,then charge punters a quid to see if they can hit them with a five foot spunk jet?...you've got a caravan naughty wigan,what do ya think?..shall we take the show on the road babe?
Can I apply? Can I apply? Please, say yes, please!!! Brilliant idea, would also get us cheap entry tot he varous summer fairs and we should not have any problems with boy racers!
I am thinking of organising a munch purely for Doggers. Only problem may be in finding a privately owned car park (preferably heated multi story while it is winter) where we can all meet up, have a chat and then go off and do some dogging!!!!
Fair enough hun Silky will have the red as it matches my eyes lol x
fantastic idea dirty can i be the ringmaster please?
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
sure you can be "ring" master,but it's interpretation in a dogging context may not be what you had in mind singledogger!!....when the doggers have done the smoke trail "diamond eight" and "starburst",they can end the display with a ejaculation salute to the royal box!!.....ahh,i can hear the applause,the appreciation of the crowd as jomu demonstrates a "textbook dog",the whoops of delight as bluexx gives a treehugger the wanker gesture,the ooohs as mrs dirty demonstrates the "downhill ski" posture with two stunt doggers!!.........we can sell t-shirts,"i dogged silky"...."22hey mister,are you one of the pink helmets,can i have your autograph","2yes son,did you enjoy the show"..."cor,yeah,i want to be a dogger when i grow up,that was a really good jump you did at the end".........bring it on!!
hi folks long time no reply!!! hope christmas is coming good for you all ;-)
This touring company, could i run the speed dogger stall, and we could donate to the swingers Munch fund and have a huge Piss Up after. We can get a DJ in as well, how about starting up a swing olympics for 2012 in Greenwich! the dome could be the largest dogging carpark in the western world!!!
you see i've have time to think about this!
phew i thought it was just me! lol
so hows christmas in wigan then? cold?
Freeeeezing, but I got my thermal G-String, thigh length thermal insulated boots and 15 tog rated peep hole bra, so I should be ok.
Just wondering what I am going to do while the display team is taking its winter break! How many hours a day do I need to practice?
well at least 2 hours on each routine, as i suspect that at least 45 sec is going to be breaking thru the thermal G-String or moving it to one side ;-), thigh length thermal insulated boots and 15 tog rated peep hole bra. But 15 tog bra, do you not feel like your boobs are burning up?
maybe we can start a winter training camp in malta?..as a way of us fine tuning the display,but also along the lines of an educational scheme...we can call it "dog-med" maybe..dress the recruits in black,send them out into the darkness with ciggies,so we can keep track....we can do target practice,have a window set up,let the guys jerk off,see who can hit the glass dead them to fart,midway through asking "are you playing"?....we can instruct them how to stand around a car for 30 minutes without feeling self-concious,even though nothing is happening..
hi guys
happy new year
you could have a few side shows going on:-
1,the round the back of the car for discreat pee
2, the shit who cares pee like a bloke
3, the 3 sheet cream pie cleanup ie.
one up, one down, one shinner
4, Green sex take your condoms and tissues home
may be a stand selling dogging uniforms
all black, camo greens, advice on not wearing hi vis coats
can i be the south west agent please!
Can I be involved in this please?