Can somebody please tell me why the first thing most of you guys do is start smoking. I'm not anti-smoking or anything but it is a bit of a put off. We was out last night and failed to find anyone who didn't have a fag hanging out of their mouths (ooer). Come on guys its not sexy.
my christ , ban smoking at dogging spots whatever next. pubs ,clubs,work. you are right though. its to help all other doggers to see where they are .
we politely said to one guy as he was hanging around very close the car that we did not play with smokers he found us two weeks later, came upto us bold as brass chewing a mint and asked what we were upto this evening he was quite upset when we said no smokers and pointed out that the mint did not cover the smell on his hands, hair, cloths or breath
Hi Baps
Trouble is, a smoker doesn't think. He cant smell himself, doesn't try to hide the fact, doesn't attempt not to smoke when around others, possibly has a partner who also smokes, and like most guys, thinks he's the bollocks anyway.
Roll on July 1. Let the buggers get wet!!!
We have had to ask guys to leave us alone before now. One guy stood there watching us with a fag not even playing. Put us right off. Hadto stop in the end.
Paul and Dee