the aformentioned chap made for the till, clutching two such dvd's, two other titles remained. picking up one of them, i noticed it had been endorsed by the "sunday sport" as "an ideal intro to dogging", i replaced it on the shelf. the other was titled "in car entertainment", it warranted closer inspection, "real dogging action shot in real carparks with real people", REAL people, theres a thought. looking through the list of credits, it read like an ayslum seekers register, but the photos on the cover had a sort of "dogging ambience" about them, so i parted with 30 quid, purely in the interests of research.
the funny thing about this movie was, although the girls were obviously paid performers, the actual dogging aspect was very genuine..the camerawork was done "from the hip", so, giving a full facial (pun intended) viewpoint of the kneeling lady, but effectively restricting exposure of the lads to torso..the majority of the scenes were of multi cock sucking, with the "house-style" focusing on cum-facials and the insistence that the girls echo his statement of them being "dirty bitches"..
the venues were in the london area, even if there had been no mention, the various accents were much in evidence. there was some hint, overheard in a background conversation that maybe the same venue was revisited over a period of weeks with the different girls, but the guys were obviously the real thing, and available in some quantity, 15 cocksmen per sitting, with many more camera shy hopefulls lurking behind the scenes..interestingly, the action was all at night, illuminated by an artificial lightsource..given that the film was made last year, and depicted many sausage shufflers, i couldn't help but wonder if some of the boys were members here? full marks to the fella that got so horny twiddlin the owd twat, that he threw caution to the wind and allowed full mug shot exposure of himself