I must apologise to a couple who were dogging at a Wirral site on Tuesday 30 August. They were in an estate car and so I parked a reasonable distance away. I suspected they were doggers as she was clearly going down on him and the window was wound down. I left it a few minutes and then discreetly got out of my car and had a wander around, eventually ending up by their passenger door window. She was going down on him, her naked arse was in the air and he invited me to put my hand in and finger her. A couple of other doggers appeared and we all got a good view. The guy then indicated for me to go round to the driver's side and he asked me if I wanted to follow them to another location. I said yes, assuming we were going to a car park somewhere more discreet. We then went for a good drive, ending up at a private flat. He invited me in, telling me how dirty she was and that she was a friend of his. At this point I became paranoid that it was a trap and I could be robbed blind, and I completely bottled it! I was also concerned as it was nearly midnight and I had an early start the next morning. But it is proof that excitement does happen and if this couple would still like to get in touch I seriously would be interested in meeting up.